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Hey! i just figured it out. ok. u use ur website to post all ur links and stuff and the diary to write all your wang tang. So go check out my diary! i wrote a big huge-O paragraph for everyone to read ok lol holla
Links | Diary | Holla | About the hot gurl | my man | Beauty tips | gurl |
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go sign the gbook and make my day. Brandon Fever

its how i feel
The current mood of at

Time: %%10:31%%
Date: %%Dec. 28th%%
Eating: air
Drinking:Egg Nogbr> Wearing:Stary Pink silky pants and a white tank top
Hearing: Playin' the game by Bow Wow
Chatting w/:I dunno im on away message right now
Thinking:wang tang
PLUG: Great Kissing Tips

. name = kylie x. age = 14 x. piercings = 4 in the ears x. tattoos = nope x. height = 5'5" x. shoe size = 9 1/2 x. hair color = light brown :-/ x. length = pretty long about mid back last... x. movie you watched = Maid in Manhattan x. movie you bought = i dont buy movies my parents do x. song that was stuck in your head = thug holiday(trick daddy)/playin the game(bow wow) (sometimes i get like 2-3 songs in my head at the same time) x. cd you bought = damn i dont buy cds i burn em lol the last one i burned was uh.... missy elliot x. person you've called = Alex x. person that's called you = Javel x. tv show you've watched = Sister sister x. person you were thinking of = *________* x. person you typed to = drew r. do... x. you have a bf or gf = no x. you have a crush on someone = kinda??? x. you wish you could live somewhere else = sometimes x. you think about suicide = no x. others find you attractive = i dont think so x. you want more piercings = bellybutton/eyebrow x. you want more tattoos = i kinda want either bow wow's name on my lower back in tight letters or flames on my lower back x. you like cleaning = my room yeah haha x. you like roller coasters = HELL YEAH! x. you write in cursive or print = both x. you carry a donor card = whats that? for or against... x. long distance relationships = against x. using someone = against x. suicide = against x. killing people = against x. teenage smoking = against x. doing drugs = against x. premarital sex = depends x. driving drunk = against x. gay/lesbian relationships = for favorite... x. food = italian x. things to do = write raps, play with my barbie cell phone, coreograph dances, write songs on my keyboard, hang out with my friends, play basketball, play softball, run, play on my computer, clean my room x. thing to talk about = Bow wow x. sport = Basketball x. color = Silver pink yellow turquoise x. drink = Pina Colada and Mocha iced frappacino from starbucks x. clothes = I like tommy hilfiger and american eagle x. books = i cant read x. holiday = christmas and my bday x. car = oh geez this is hard to pick.... mitsubishi eclipse and spider, couger, monte carlo, and toyota 4runner have you... x. ever cried over a girl or boy = yes x. ever lied to someone = yes x. ever been in a fist fight = no x. ever been arrested = no what... x. shampoo do you use = matrix essentials sleek look x. perfume/cologne do you use = J. Lo/Ralph Lauren x. shoes do you wear = a lot: Dadas, Doc Martins, Converse allstars and other stuff x. are you scared of = dying, getting hurt(after a relationship), the movie the ring number... x. of times I have had my heart broken? = 2 x. of hearts I have broken? = 4 x. of boys I have kissed? = 2 x. of girls I have kissed? = 0 x. of drugs taken illegally? = none x. of people I would classify as true, could trust with my life type friends? = 4 or 5 x. of people I consider my enemies? = umm none x. of scars on my body? = like 5 x. of things in my past that I regret? = a whole shit load *Thanks beth! i love your diary everyone should go to it
