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Why Team Bibby Likes Mike

Bibby_Iz_A_Hotty: The reason why I like Mike so much is that he is such a great role model. He's a kick-ass basketball player with MAJOR skill, but he doesnt let it go to his head. He knows his boundaries. He is also a loving father with great morals. Mike isn't ashamed of being a Christian and showing either.He also loves his family a lot and that is rare in guys today. I think it's great that he is STILL with Darcy after all these years. That's true love and devotion right there.

The reasons I like Mike are:
1) He's such a great role model.
2) The boy has amazing skillz, and a great clutch player.
3) He doesn't let his popularity get to his head.
4) He's such a great family man to anyone his friends, mom, Darcy, and his kids.
5) He's a great Christian, and I admire that.
I'd write more but I can't think of anything else right now. Mike is such a great guy and an awsum bball player.

MB4Life: mike just seems like the greatest person! i mean i don't know him personally, but just from readin' a/b him and watchin' him play, there is no doubt in your mind that this guy is a pretty awesome guy!! i mean...he's not afraid to admit that he's a christian! that is kinda hard nowadays, b/c sometimes christians are looked down on...he loves his kids and hasn't left them OR his g/f...some guys could have just up and left once they startin' makin' money and stuff, but our mike didn't do that...he is really close to his mom and that's just so sweet*he mentions her in a lot of his interviews and stuff and always thanks her and god for helping him to get where he is now...just gotta love that! and he's just a natural leader on the court, but he's quiet a/b know!? he's a real team player though, and he contributes as much as he can so his team can win!...but he isn't "cocky" a/b it...i just love him on and off th court! first (it's hard to admit) i think i just liked him for his looks, but now that i've had time to learn stuff a/b him, i like him for his morals...he just has the best approach to life (i dunno if that's the right word!?), and i admire that! he's like thee greatest person that someone could look up too, and...gosh i just love him*

XxKiNGSxX: WhY i LIke bibBy...hmm..i LIke HiM fiRsT aNd ForeMost bEcaUSe oF hiS baSketbaLL SkiLLS...On THe CouRt hE LooKS SOOooo CaLm, WHiLe WHEn EvERYonE LoOkS LoSt..He SeeMs to KnoW eXacTly WUT he'S doiNg..He iSn't aFraiD tO SteP uP tO the ChaLLenGE aNd iS a HEcK oF a CLutCh PlaY [as sHOwn dURing the PlaYoFfs]. WHiLe hE haS aLL thiS SkiLLs, bibby DoeSN't Get aLL big-HeaDed [unLIke the LaKerS, who Do]. OfF the CouRt he SeeMs LIke a CarIng FathEr, LoviNg boYFriEnd, aNd a "i goT uR baCk" type OF FriEnds. And JUst bEcaUSe hE haS SucH a CoOliO pErsONaLity aNd a SwEet SmiLe..thaT MaKEs HIm a CutiE aS WeLL aS SkiLLfUL..YeaH aNd i'LL ProLLY thINk of MOre LaTer bUT You GuYS gET mY dRiFt =D