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Hi people! Well I assume you already know this is my new website, so I'm just gunna ramble here for a minute. The navigation bar is at the top and will be at the top of all my pages. Use this to visit the various pages around my site. What am I doing...I'm sure you guys know this already! Please sign my guestbook! It's under the "bye" section. I update the section called "My Thoughts" every now and then when something pops into my head. Oh....if the text is kind of hard to read, you can scroll so that the text moves to a different part of the background. If you can't scroll for some reason, you can also highlight the text to make it easier to read. Well I think I'm gunna go work on other parts of this site now cya :)
  • Main: Home page
  • About Me
    • My 411: Some info about me
    • Shoutouts: Some people I wanna shoutout to
  • Interesting...
    • My Pictures
      • Photo Chops: Cars that I edited
      • Interesting Pics: Interesting/nice pictures I took
      • Our cars: The cars in my household
    • Recommended Listening: Song's (in the listed languages) that u should hear
  • Bye
    • Links: Some websites you might wanna visit
    • Thanks to: Some people I want to thank
    • Email Me: Email me with any problems with the site. If the link doesn't work, just send mail to