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No Bother Asking


A site of enlightenment, wonder, and personal thoughts.

I've done some much needed housekeeping. All my older articles have been moved to my new Archive. Or, if you don't feel like trudging through the whole archives, you can view only my favorite articles from the archive. On this front page you will now find only my most recent few articles. Hope you enjoy them!

NOTE: Alot of these thoughts are controvertial and possibly downright wrong. In fact, alot of my writings I don't even agree with. Keep that in mind. Have a skeptical eye but don't ignore anything downright. There is truth behind every bullshit.

ATTENTION: this site is no longer being updated. To read my most recent articles please visit

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

Chapter Fifty-Eight - Religion (March 31 2005)
Chapter Fifty-Nine - Hypocracy vs Paradox (April 11 2005)
Chapter Sixty - Good vs. Evil (May 1 2005)

Chapter Sixty-One - Whose Hole? (May 22 2005)
Chapter Sixty-Two - Working Title (May 22 2005)
Chapter Sixty-Three - Be Good (May 29 2005)
Chapter Sixty-Four - There's no place for Love in Logic (June 5 2005)
Chapter Sixty-Five - Low (June 13 2005)
Chapter Sixty-Six - Complete the Circle (June 23 2005)
Chapter Sixty-Seven - Soulmates (June 25 2005)
Chapter Sixty-Eight - It Hurts (July 1 2005)

My brother's website is just as insightful as mine. You should visit there as well.

People have been asking me how they can get in contact with me. I have decided to post my e-mail address. If you have any inquiries about the site or any of my writings, or if you have your own philosophical website you would like to link with mine, send me a message at