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Appalachian Pagan Alliance --Spring 2014 Newsletter

(Photo of the Father Sun God during one of our several spring snows taken by Lomax)

The Appalachian Pagan Alliance Facebook group has been active as 2014 began.
We've added new members and discussed lots of current events in the Pagan Community.
Slyvia shared several funny Pagan theme comic strips with us there, I think that is her official job now, so keep them coming Sylvia!
We planned our APA Imbolc lunch event there, and it was attended by several of us APAers at the awesome little Norse theme Bavarian restaurant in Woodfin on February 2nd.

Wheel of the Year Painting By Ginger Strivelli
Ginger took Sybilsue and Harmony on a Pilgrimage to Egypt and Greece, in March. They stayed in Egypt at an Inn right across from the Sphinx in Giza for 7 nights.
In Egypt they toured Saqqara, Dashur, Cairo as well as, with special permission from the Egyptian Antiquities Council, got to visit the restricted site of Abu Sir.
Then they flew to Athens, Greece for 4 nights where they stayed went to the Temple of the Olympian Zeus, the Archeological Museum, and the Acropolis.
They took a day trip from there, on St. Patrick's day to Delphi, Greece....visiting The Lion of Chaeronea site on their way to Delphi.
Then they returned to Egypt for 4 more days there, and celebrated Spring Equinox in Giza, Egypt.

-------------------FROM OUR BOOK OF SHADOWS:----------------------

Prayer In Tsalagi (Cherokee)-By Ginger Strivelli
Tsalagi words spelled phonetically with English translation afterwards.

E-gee-doh Nu-doh (Sister Moon)
Ah-doh-da Nu-doh (Father Sun)
Ka-na-ne-ski E-Li-si (Spider Grandmother)
E-gee-nu-tlee Ah-gah-sga (Brother Rain)
a-lay U-ni-tsi E-lo-hi-no (and Mother Earth)
Gee-yu-ha ah-da-nu-doh (Come in my heart)
a-lay its-ee-go-i lu-wis-dane-ho-i (and go to work!)

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