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Appalachian Pagan Alliance's Autumn 2010 Newsletter

Chac Mol (Mayan Rain God sacrifice statue) by Ginger Strivelli


The APA's leading Priestesses; Ginger Strivelli and Beth Beheler went to to the lost Mayan city ruins of Chichen Itza in October.
They stayed a whole week, and explored the site's ruins, prayed at the temples, drew and painted, and spent some time in the hotel bar, LOL.
"Chichen itza is a magical awesome place" Ginger says...Beth answers "You know it."

Ginger by Kukulcan's pyramid temple, and Beth in the ballcourt photos.


Lines written on Oct. 8th, 2010, By Ginger Strivelli (in Chichen itza, Mexico)

Sitting in Kukulcan's Pyramid's shade Watching the centuries away fade Listening to the tropical birds sing along in a chorus that has gone on so long For over a thousand years or more the Sun God has risen over this sight before But watching Him rise above the platform makes my heart, mind, and spirit warm.

Drawing that Beth did in Chichen itza on our trip:

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