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APA August 2008 Newsletter

Editress Ginger Strivelli:

My Daughter Destiny and I went to Teotihuacan, Mexico this month
it was very Magical...though a ton of walking neither me nor 
her like or are suited for as 'plus sized' ladies, LOL.

The temples and Pyramids were amazing to see and touch and climb okay the climbing part was not fun... In Honor of Teotihuacan, the Book Of Shadows entry of the month is a introduction to Quetzalcoatl; Quetzalcoatl is the Pre-columbian Mexican Sun God the 'feathered serpent' God who was worshiped by both the Aztecs and the Mayans as as well as other tribes. His return to earth was fortold it is said to have been predicted in the teachings of the Aztecs sadly ironically for the exact date that Cortez landed in Mexico. Cortez being mistaken for or his taking upon the role of Quetzlacoatl in a ploy explains how he was easily able to defeat the mighty Aztec Nation. The Mayans called Quetzalcoatl by the name "Kulkulcan" and the main pyramid at Chichen Itza is called the Kulkulcan Pyramid. The magical temple is 75 feet high, and mystically makes the sound of a Quetzal bird when one claps in front of one of its 4 rows of steps. The steps all total 365 in number, and on the Equinox, a shadow looking like a serpent appears to climb down its side. Chichen Itza after being deserted about 1221 CE was lost to the jungle until the 1840's when it was rediscovered and later restored greatly. It is now a popular site for tourists. Quetzalcoatl was also worshiped in Teotihuacan, it seems by those who came before the Aztecs. Little is known of those people as they disappeared before the Aztecs refound their city but many of the murals and buildings show images of the Fathered Serpent God. Quetzalcoatl is also the God of Chocolate!!! Can't beat that!

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