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Appalachian Pagan Alliance's June 2005 Newsletter

June 2005 APA Newsletter
Editress Ginger Strivelli

A Very Happy Summer Solstice to Y’all!

As always the Strivelli clan goes to the beach during 
Summer Solstice, so Beth and Paula will have to keep 
the APA yahoogroup chatting.

We hope all our APA Families are enjoying their summer 
break and taking the time to teach the Witchlings some 
magical and religious lessons while they are free from 
the more mundane schoolwork.

May we suggest you use the resources at the APA website's 
Witchlings webpages during those studies. We have kids spells, 
and recipes, and lessons, magical coloring pages and other 
activities for the Pagan child.

From our Book of shadows.

A Fairy’s song From A Midsummer’s night dream By William Shakespeare

Over hill, over dale,
Through bush, through brier,
Over park, over pale,
Through flood, through fire:
I do wander everywhere,
Swifter than the moon's sphere;
And I serve the fairy queen,
To dew her orbs upon the green:
The cowslips tall her pensioners be;
In their gold coats spots you see;
Those be rubies, fairy favors,
In those freckles live their savours,
I must go seek some dewdrops here,
And hang a pearl in every cowslip's ear.

A midsummer’s tradition from the Old World and days.
Gather St. John’s Wort greenery and flowers 
(originally called Chase-devils-away-flowers) 
and deck you halls with this plant to drive away 
evil spirits during the midsummer season.

Sacred Sites Section:
Saqqara, Egypt

That Day In Saqqara
By Ginger Strivelli

That day in Saqqara Egypt the sky was perfect lapis blue
The sand glowed white in the light of Ra’s Sun
The Step Pyramid of King Zoser looked somehow new
Though it had been 5000 years since it was finally done
I stood there transfixed in the sand that glittered
Under the sky so unbelievably blue and clear
I must admit my heart indeed fluttered
To be on that holy ground so sacred and dear
It was as if I had come home to Saqqara then
And was looking upon a sight I’d long loved but lost
Like I’d forgotten how beautiful it was but was reminded again
That it was so holy, so magical, and worth any cost
As if the sands were really made of diamond dust
That it appeared to be that day I returned
As if the sky was really a massive polished lapis
That’s how priceless Saqqara is, I’ve relearned.

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