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APA Dec 2001 Newsletter

The Holly King and the Witchling Circle Kids

Appalachian Pagan Alliance Newsletter
Dec. 2001
Editress: Ginger Strivelli
This month we had our 2nd annual Yule gathering. Once again, Thomas played the Holly King for the Witchlings' Circle. We had this year's gathering at the Strivelli home rather than Lake Julian. Attendance at this year's Yule Gathering was higher than past events thanks to the change in location. The APA Yule gathering attendees donated a well-packed box of canned food that was donated to the CERES food bank.

Paula and Ginger finished plans to attend the Regional Pagan Leadership conference in January, to represent the APA and Pagan Unity Campaign. They will be attending the conference in Greensboro, on January 11th through the 13th. Beth may also join them for a Pagan Ball at the convention Saturday evening.


Yule Invocation (by Ginger Strivelli)

The Darkness of the season shall be broken
And new life be born once again...
In this the season of the Moon Goddess,
we do celebrate the festival of Yule,
the rebirth of the Sun God, and rebirth of life
for the coming year.
This eternal cycle, we do celebrate....
We do give greeting to The Holly King,
The God who does rule this season.
We do give greeting to the slumbering Spring Goddess,
by who's blessing and sacred gift,
life shall always be reborn again....
With our symbolic gifts to each other,
we do rededicate ourselves to You and Your service,
O' Ancient Gods and Goddesses...
Bless us, Our Divine Lords and Ladies,
and bless our meal, which is as always,
Your gift to all of us.

By: Robert Herrick

Honour to you who sit Near to the well of wit, And drink your fill of it!
Glory and worship be To you, sweet Maids, thrice three, Who still inspire me;
And teach me how to sing Unto the lyric string, My measures ravishing!
Then, while I sing your praise, My priest-hood crown with bays Green to the end of days!

TO ENJOY THE TIME (Prayer to the Fates)
By: Robert Herrick

While fates permit us, let's be merry;
Pass all we must the fatal ferry;
And this our life, too, whirls away,
With the rotation of the day.

First two verses by Robert Burns, others traditional

Should auld acquaintance be forgot, And never brought to mind? Should auld acquaintance be forgot And auld lang syne?
For auld lang syne, my dear, For auld lang syne, We'll tak a cup o' kindness yet For auld lang syne.
And surely, ye'll be your pint stowp! And surely I'll be mine! And we'll tak a cup o' kindness yet, For auld lang syne.
(Repeat Chorus.)
We twa hae mn about the braes And pou'd the gowans fine; But we've wander'd mony a weary foot Sin' auld lang syne.
(Repeat Chorus.)
For auld lang syne, etc. -We two hae paidled i' the burn, Frae morning sun till dine; But seas between us braid hae roar'd Sin' auld lang syne.
(Repeat Chorus.)
And here's a hand, my trusty fiere, And gie's a hand o' thine; And we'll tak' a right gude-willy waught, For auld lang syne.
(Repeat Chorus.)


Lakshmi- Hindu Goddess of Fortune, Luck, wealth, Love, and marriage
Lenus-Celtic God of Healers
Lei Kung- Taoist God of Thunder
Laverna- Roman/Italian Goddess of the Underworld, afterlife. Honored with wine pored onto the ground from the left hand. Also associated with thieves, and criminals, (Mafia-Goddess, LOL)
Leukothea- Mermaid Sea Goddess of the Greeks and Romans.
Loki- Norse trickster God
Loba- West African Sun God.
Libertas- Roman Goddess of Liberty, who's festival was celebrated on April 13th.
Luna- Roman Moon Goddess
Lu Pan- Chinese God of Artisans
Loko- African God of trees, plants, and such, invoked for herbal gathering
Lunang- Afghanistani River Goddess
Lug- Celtic shapeshifting God, also adopted by the Romans
Lalaia il- North American Indian (Canadian tribes) God of Shamans, associated with bleeding
Lahar-Sumerian God of Cattle
Loo-Wit- Goddess of Mt. St. Helens Volcano
Laka- Hawaiian Goddess of Dance

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