Ocean Magic spell for making a wish.

At the beach, at the high tide mark, just before high tide, use the sand to fashion the likeness of your wish. Then with found objects from the beach write out in words, what it is you are asking for. Sit with this charm as the waves come up and 'take the wish' back to the Ocean Gods for you. Say a prayer of thanks, to the water spirits for delivering your message and make an offering to the sea, by picking up whatever trash washed up with the high tide along the beach.

Ocean Magic spell for banishing difficulties.

Standing, chest deep in the water, wait for the waves to bring a shell into your open hand. Hold on to the shell for 13 waves, pouring out all of your troubles into that shell, letting it absorb all of your difficulties into itself. After the 13th wave crashes by you release the shell back into the waves, it will carry your problems away from you.

The Magic of Shells

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