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APA's Costumed Brunch Samhain 2004

Left to right in the top picture Raven, Byron, Beth, Ginger, Joy J, Olivia, and Kayla, all entertaining the staff and other diners at the Olvie Garden Resturant, with our costumes and racey talk adding some 'color' to the 'sunday brunch after-church' crowd there!

Beth and Ginger wait outside Olive Garden Resturant for everyone else in the picture above...Then in the shot below; Olivia, Kayla, Dawn, SapphireSkye, Raven at the 'kiddy table'...we had to pull up to the big table cause we had such a large turn out...even the a frist for our 'Ladies nite out' group, our very own Drag Queen Raven, but Ginger was the one in the tiara, as always!

In the picture below; left ot right SapphireSkye, Raven, Kate, Byron and Beth mug for the camera.

Byron and Ginger pose by the Autumn Goddess' Colorful trees outside the resturant.

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