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About the Co-founding Priestesses


Ginger StrivelliGinger Strivelli

Ginger Strivelli is a 47-year-old witch who was born in Haywood County, North Carolina. She now lives in Luxor, Egypt, with her boyfriend, Jalan, her daughter, Harmony and her familiar, baby camel, Princess. after living and raising her 6 children in Jupiter, NC, USA.

Ginger has a son Merlin, born in November 1990; and daughters Destiny, born in May 1992; Amethyst, born in June 1994; Sybilsue, born Samhain 1996, Balthazar, born December 1999 and a 4th daughter, Harmony born in February 2002. Harmony lives with Ginger in Egypt now, and the others are all grown up and living still in North Carolina.

Ginger and her children Yule 2016 in Jupiter, NC USA.
Ginger has been a witch for more than 20 years, has been a featured writer for Circle Network News, and has written for other Pagan publications. She has also taught classes and ritual workshops in Haywood and Buncombe Counties, and at gatherings in several states, including when she lectured for a religion class at Furman University in South Carolina.

Along with her Activism work on behalf of the APA, she has worked with other Pagan activism groups, such as WARD, Pagan Pride, and Pagan Unity Campaign-Political Action Committee. On Nov 8th, 2001, she was appointed the National President for Pagan Unity Campaign-Political Action Committee, where she had been serving as North Carolina's State Chair.

Along with her religious work, Ginger also writes Fantasy and Science Fiction, is an artist, and is a proud member of the "endangered species" of Homemaker.
She lives in Luxor Egypt with her boyfriend Jalan, and her daughter, Harmony and her familiar baby camel, Princess.
Check out the APA news links for various activism battles Ginger and her kids have fought over the years.


Beth Davis Beth Davis is a 57-year-old pagan, witch, and priestess(who chose Brighid and in addition was chosen by The Morrigan; she has been active in the Craft for 25+ years and practices primarily as a solitary. Her Pagan Path began with a year's training at the Church of Wicca, though she chose a solitary Path. With Ginger Strivelli, Beth is a co-founding priestess of the Appalachian Pagan Alliance.

Beth was a nurse for 22years, working in labor and delivery, home care, hospice, and long-term care; also she has taught Lamaze classes. She was born in the Piedmont of North Carolina and lived a couple years in the Asheville area but is now living back in the middle of the state again with her little dog Matilda.

Beth is the former humble WebMistress for the APA and still helps out occasionally with articles, info, and website work and is increasing her work in activism. She just took a position as national newsletter Editoress with the Pagan Unity Campaign, assistant to the NC Alliance of Pagan Voters president, plus continuing to co-lead the APA. Beth has a new zeal for activism and teaching tolerance and diversity following a job loss that could be for no other reason than religious discrimination.

Other interests are tarot, crystals, herbcraft, sketching, creating web graphics, crafts of many types (some of which are posted in the APA's Website Creativity pages) as well as soapmaking, books, music, and all things Celtic. Beth's totem animal is the White Deer/Hart,(Ginger, miraculously, found a Latvian fairy tale on the White Hart on Ebay and ordered it from Moscow!) and Beth is a Priestess of Brighid and the Morrigan. Recently, she has also been Chosen by the Egyptian God of Earth and healing, Seb, and the Cherokee Corn Mother Selu, who also is related to the healing arts.

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