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Appalachian Pagan Alliance's 9-11-2001 Memorial Page

"May All Gods Bless America" graphic art By Diana

Appalachian Pagan Alliance-Official Anti-terrorism Prayer in honor of
Sept 11th, 2001-the day Lady Liberty cried.

"These attacks on the Pentagon and the World Trade Center, are attacks on the whole World, and on religious tolerance and diversity. Terrorists have attacked the United States because we here in the USA, lead the world in the honorable practice of religious freedom, diversity, and tolerance. They on the other hand see fit to practice prejudice, discrimination, hatred, and even mass murder, in the name of their God. Such insane ideas that any God would want hatred, ugliness, and war waged in Their name, is unbelievable to all truly spiritual people of all religions. Let us as; Witches, Wiccans, Druids, and all other Pagan Traditions, join with our Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Hindu, and other religious Americans to say such religious intolerance is not only un-American, but inhuman, and sacrilegious, no matter what faith you follow.
Let us, pray to our Gods for justice, deliverance from this evil and fear, and ultimately for peace to prevail. Let us work magic to bring those blessings into our lives and the lives of our fellow Americans and fellow earthlings. Let us work together to make the world a safer, more tolerant, and more just place. In the name of Lady Liberty, let us go forward now, and undermine the evil intentions of those who would terrorize the world in the name of religious intolerance and hatred."
(Written By Ginger Strivelli)

'Freedom bar' graphic by Diana

"Sea to sea" graphic By Starwind Evensong, Fort Lauderdale, FL ©September,2001.

Pictures from the terrible attacks, on that day...the towers ablaze, Lady Liberty looks over the nightmarish view, the pentagon hit as well, the towers fall, the wave of debris chases the crowd through the streets of new York City, and lastly a shot of the site as seen from space.

Nostradamus quotes, that have popped into my mind that morning, I've looked them up, to get the exact quotes;(I know some fake Nostradamus quotes were forwarded about the internet in the days after 9-11, but these I copied directly from the book...they are quite real quatrains written in the 16th century, by Nostradamus.)

Century IX quatrain 92;
The King Shall desire to enter into the New City, With foes they shall come to over-come it, The prisoner, being free, shall speak and act falsely, The leader, being gotten out, shall keep far from the enemies.

Century II, quatrain 54;
By a strange people and a remote nation, The great city near the water shall be much troubled, The Lady without great difference for an estate, The chief frightened at not having been warned.

Hope you enjoyed the's just some food for thought, words of prayer, pictures to make sure we never forget the horror, and artwork for healing, sad to see such evil, especially in the name of ANY 'God.' We shall pray to our Gods that those who made these attacks are punished, and any who would follow suit in the future are thereby deterred.

(The song you are listening to is "Goddess Bless America" written By Nessa McNelly and sang by Shana McNelly, both of the APA.)

Lady Ginger Strivelli-Leading Priestess of the Appalachian Pagan Alliance

Goddess of Liberty in American Postage
Liberty as a Woman
The flash and links provided by Fox Grove Circle, Tampa FL.

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