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Thanks for visiting our wedding website! Here you will find any and all information about not only the wedding, but also our story leading up to this moment. Learn about us, our parents, the wedding party, and Atlanta. Thank you for your love and support. Before you leave, sign the website guestbook, and leave a message. We hope to see you all soon!

Our story began on March 24, 1999 during Spring Break at Panama City Beach, Florida. Patrick was attending Life University in the Atlanta area and I was finishing up school at the University of Kansas. We exchanged phone numbers on that night, just before Patrick left for Atlanta. We spoke on the phone often for about a month and then lost contact. Neither one of us thought anything could ever come of a relationship so far apart. I moved to Kansas City and sent a mass email to everyone I knew with my new information. About a month later, Patrick called. I was excited. He decided to visit me 3 weeks later in September. We had to tell each other what we'd be wearing at the airport just to recognize one another! That trip was wonderful, and I planned a trip to Atlanta as soon as I could. That ended up being in November. From there our relationship grew deeper and deeper until it was just too hard to be away from each other. I moved to Atlanta in April of 2000. Since that time we have been through many things together and have grown to love each other very much.

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