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In Memory of Allen Robert Curtis
January 19 - February 4, 2002

Allen Robert Curtis

Birth date: Saturday, January 19th
@ 2:27 p.m.
Birthplace: Hoag Hospital,
Newport Beach, California
LDR Suite 9
Weight: 6 pounds, 4 ounces
Height: 21 inches
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Blue
Parents: Laura and James
Allen is named after his grandfathers,
Allen Curtis and Robert Burkhart

The life and times of
Allen Robert Curtis.

A brief encounter with a love
that will last a lifetime.

The journey continues…

What Allen has taught us and how our lives continue to change along the way.

A list of local and national
support groups that have helped us through the tough times and allowed us to share our memories while making new friends

Support Groups

A list of books that I have
read or have been recommended
by other parents. Each book has a brief summary and personal reviews.

Contact: Laura Curtis,
Allen's Mom

Book List


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