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   The Mages Ethic


The Mages Ethic
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Article 1:
There is an ultimate Truth which guides and sustains 
everything in the Universe.
Article 2:
To act outside of that Truth is Black Magick (counter productive).
Article 3:
In order to practice White Magick one must seek the Truth in order to
know the Truth.
Article 4:
Our only access to the Truth is through our Higher Genius.
Article 5:
The First goal of all White Magick is to learn how to access ones Higher Genius, and thereby to discover the Truth expressed through it.
This is the proper Work for an Apprentice Mage.
Article 6:
The Second Goal of all White Magick is to put into practice the knowledge gained during Apprenticeship in order to experience this Truth.
This is the proper work of the Adept Mage.
Article 7:
The Third Goal of all White Magick is to act in accordance with the Truth.
This is the proper Work of the Master Mage.
Article 8:
Any interference by one individual in another's, or by one's self in ones own, ability to conform to the Path described in articles 5,6 and 7 is Black Magick.

The Alchemists Guild (NZ)



The mages ethic is a scheme of behaviour that was designed as the governing motive for a group of alchemists that were working both in laboratory and internal alchemy. since this page is being accessed so much I decided to add some notes in order to elaborate on the concepts which make up the ethic.

Article 1:
There is an ultimate Truth which guides and sustains 
everything in the Universe.

Article 2:
To act outside of that Truth is Black Magick (counter productive).

The basis for these two arguments are very important and are defined in more detail in my notes on the Great Work.

Article 3:
In order to practice White Magick one must seek the Truth in order to
know the Truth.

You can't practice white magick by accident or naturally. In order to be as sure as you can be that you are not violating natural law, and thereby offending divine will, one must deliberately seek knowledge of natural law and come to understand the machinery of the universe. This process comes under the heading of the Greek Mysterie's acclamation of "Gnothe Seuton" (Know Thyself)

Article 4:
Our only access to the Truth is through our Higher Genius.

We cannot be sure that what we believe is the truth for us is in fact accurate until we attain conscious awareness of the totality of our being. This can only be attained through the deliberate unification of the lower personality with the higher self. The higher self is defined as a view of the entire being.

Article 5:
The First goal of all White Magick is to learn how to access ones Higher Genius, 
and thereby to discover the Truth expressed through it.
This is the proper Work for an Apprentice Mage.

The first step in attaining conscious awareness of the totality of ourselves is to research and practice techniques that have been used in the past, by successful mages, to attain that condition of awareness. This process of research, and being tutored in traditional occult techniques and philosophies, we have referred to as apprenticeship. Success in this first process relies a lot on attitude, and has a good deal to do with ones gender.

Article 6:
The Second Goal of all White Magick is to put into practice the knowledge 
gained during Apprenticeship in order to experience this Truth.
This is the proper work of the Adept Mage.

Once familiarity with these traditional approaches to total awareness is gained, and some practical skill acquired, the next step is to choose and persist at one path until it bears fruit. We have referred to this as the work of the adept, because persistence in one path provides the practitioner with skill, which is the definition of adeptship.

Article 7:
The Third Goal of all White Magick is to act in accordance with the Truth.
This is the proper Work of the Master Mage.

At some point the adept's skill will become so refined that he will indeed attain to mastery of the path he has chosen, and total awareness will be achieved. Once such a psychological condition is met, the adept, now in position of all of the pieces of the puzzle, understanding the mystery of being, is in a position to know what is truly the best thing for him to do with his life. The real journey begins here. Knowing what to do allows him to act with the maximum productiveness, economy and happiness.

Article 8:
Any interference by one individual in another's, or by one's self in ones own, 
ability to conform to the Path described in articles 5,6 and 7 is Black Magick.

The venture of seeking an understanding of the totality of ones being is the hardest task to undertake. Success can only be attained through one mindedness, persistence, honesty with self and uprightness of actions, particularly where others are concerned. For the individual who has promised himself, therefore, to succeed at all costs, anything which interferes in that goal must necessarily be an evil for him.


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