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    Alchemical Code


This concept did not originate with me. I got the idea from Shawn's occult resources, where he had created a 'Magickal Code' and I believe he got it from some similar thing called 'The Geeks Code'. (Note: Shawn's website is no longer in existence) So I decided to create an Alchemist's code (extending on Shawn's attempt at the alchemy side of things). Much of the content of the Alchemical code I got from conversations and people that have popped up in my IRC channel (#alchemy). So much of the code reflects fact. (hehe).

The Alchemical Code

There are several ways of describing finer nuances in the Code system. The following are lifted from the Geek Code, illustrated using a fictional category X:

Indicates you fluctuate between X+++ and X+.
Indicates that you are X+ but aspire to X+++.
Indicates your X rating is too variable to really be categorized.
Indicates you get money because of your usage of or involvement with X.


A - Alchemy General
Aa - Student of Frater Albertus
Ap - Student of Philosophers of Nature
A? - Student of some obscure European alchemist
At - Thelemite/tantric
Ao - Belong to some esoteric Order (and have no learned opinion of my own)
A$ - Commerical or archemist
As - successful alchemist


Apa$t0- : I am involved in alchemy so I will get rich and won't have to work. (i.e. am broke and stupid and probably unemployed.)

Ao/t : I quote alchemical texts often to support my view/definition of Alchemy (i.e. I have obviously not read enough texts to know they they all contradict eachother and therefore understand that quoting alchemical authors to defend an argument is like quoting the bible for the same purpose.)

A$----- : I don't care what alchemy is I am a shyster who sells snake oil with 'spagyric preparation' printed on the label.
A$---- : I know nothing about alchemy I sell snakes.
A$--- : I don't care what alchemy is I do workshops, to teach it, for money.
A$-- : I care about alchemy deeply but all I ever got from it was money for running workshops.
A$- : I don't believe alchemy has anything to do with psychism or psychology or other spiritual disciplines, it is wholly a chemical process.
A$ : I am an alchemist working for the FBI (or the CIA or British Intelligence or all three)

A?$- : I am a european alchemist who secretly works for Bayers (and act like I have access to big secrets).

A?-- : I was taught by a European Alchemist who died from taking the Elixir of Life.
A?- : I am the student of a European alchemist who does small private Alchemical Workshops.

As-- : I have the Stone (and/or the Elixir) and it has ruined my social life because have become addicted to gold and won't leave my stash.
As- : I have the Stone (and/or the Elixir) but have no iea what to do with them.

Ap- : I met Jean Dubuis and feel I am now closer the the truth.

Ao---- : Fulcanelli is the Secret Chief of the Order I belong to.
Ao--- : Saint Germaine is the Secret Chief of the Order I belong to (i.e. am a member of BOTA)
Ao-- : I belong to some occult Order that has informed me that real alchemy is really spiritual.
Ao- : I belong to an occult Order and am an alchemist because it says so in their lessons.

Aa- : I did a course at the PRS and afterwards became a mormon.

A------------ : I am a goth/vampire and call myself an alchemist because I hope other goths/vampires will think I am into black magick.
A----------- : I am a xthian and know that Alchemy is Black Magic.
A---------- : I once practiced some alchemy and now just behave cryptically (aand sometimes paranoid) when questioned about it. (often lurks on e-lists).
A--------- : I have some scientific glassware and am paranoid about the FBI finding out my secrets. (Psychotic tinkerer).
A-------- : I am a self confessed IX* thelemite and therefore know that Alchemy has nothing to do with laboratory chemistry but instead involves drinking large amounts of semen.
A------- : I manufacture drugs in my basement and want to befriend an alchemist so that I can get cheap glassware.
A------ : I learned alchemy from BOTA and therefore spend a lot of time meditating on my bowels.
A----- : I read some Karl Jung and therefore know that alchemy is nothing to do with laboratory chemistry but was the veiled form of psychology. (i.e. I have no idea)
A---- : I met Fulcanelli once.
A--- : I have read a lot of alchemical literature and know that alchemy is really simply a spiritual (internal) art.
A-- : I personally am into spiritual (internal) alchemy but would never deny the lab' tradition. (i.e. I love the label 'alchemist' but don't trust myself with chemicals.)
A- : I am now only a theoritical alchemist because I blinded myself (or otherwise crippled myself) in an explosion.

A : I heard that alchemists changed lead into gold

A+ : I heard that alchemists changed lead into gold and I once owned a chemistry set
A++ : Someone I know has the Philosophers Stone (and/or the Elixir of Life)
A+++ : I met Saint Germaine
A++++ : My alchemical teacher has the Philosophers Stone (and/or the Elixir of Life)
A+++++ : I have good familiarity with the herbal work. (And tell my occult friends I'm going to make the Philosophers Stone.)
A++++++ : I know that alchemists always reversed the truth in their literature so I have spent many years boiling urine and faeces and assorted small serpents and rodents and drink the produce hoping for eternal life.
A+++++++ : I have good familiarty with the extraction of metallic oils. (But have no idea how they are connected with the Great Work.)
A++++++++ : I follow the Flamel Path (the dry way) (i.e. have lots of money and like to take risks with highly explosive chemicals.)
A+++++++++ : I follow the Acetate Path (the wet way) (i.e. I don't have lots of money and I can't afford to blow up my flat.)

Aa+ : I Did one course in the old PRS.
Aa++ : I am an ex-personal student of Frater Albertus (and therefore will behave like he told me the big secret.)

Ap : I have an old copy of one of the PONs newsletters.
Ap+ : I did one PON course and now consider myself proficient in the arte.
Ap++ : I did two PON courses and now consider myself immersed in the tradition.
Ap+++ : I went to a PON workshop and had my photo taken with an alchemist.
Ap++++ : I met Jean Dubuis and then cancelled my PON membership.

A?+ : I am the student of a European alchemist who has the Stone (and/or elixir) (i.e. I'm an elite a snob.)

A?$+ : I am a european alchemist who secretly works for Bayers (or some other big pharmaceutical company) and through lack of eduction has totally misled them.

As : I have the Elixir of Life but claim my right to die at a normal age. (Party pooper).
As+ : I have the Philosophers Stone (and/or the Elixir of Life)
As++I have the Philosophers Stone (and/or the Elixir of Life) and can read peoples minds (and/or any number of other nifty psychic stunts.)
As+++ : I have the Elixir of Life (and/or the Stone) and am older than 200 years of age. (Modest).
As++++ : I have the Elixir of Life (and/or the Stone) and am older than 1000 years of age. (I hang out with Artephus).

Copyright © Parush 1997
All rights reserved - last update 31 july 2001

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