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                 I am Mr. Nadeem Akbar Hassan studying BSIT (Bachelor science in Information Technology) from PIMSIT. I did complete MCSE( Mircrosoft Certified System Engineer) and Diploma in Hardware.

This is first time I have submitted my web page on the net. about this site I can say that all are right reservation. I am seeking  your suggestions to prepare a good web page in future. Please signup my GUEST BOOK and send me your comments. You can also write me an e-mail at

I am very thankful my brother, Anwer Hashim. who is helping  me in every event and difficulty occur in my life. He has very nice personality and good manner too. I can’t give him anything but I can pray for his good health and his children better future . Secondly I am very thankful to my sisters Dr. Afia Zafar, Dr. Bushra Jamil and my brother Akber Andani. Because they are specially helping me in my education.

with best regars