Nothin' like a good stand off. Placebo mainman Brian Molko and drummer Steve Hewitt stopped by RTR-FM for a pre-recorded interview last Monday and by way of making themselves cosy, each lit up a cigarette, something of a no-no inside that station and indeed all work places these days.
Following a polite request by interviewer Graham Hill for the chaps to ash out their cigarettes, Hewitt did so, but Molko had other ideas. 'No fucking cigarette, no fucking interview', he stated defiantly. When informed of the fire alarms on the premises and the possible water damage to equipment if tehy went off, Molko promptly stood up, drew on his ciggie and blew into the smoke detector. Oh dear!
Hill remained resolute on the matter and a face off occured between teh two protagonists, while Hewitt sat with head in his hands. Unfortunetly for Molko's stance, combustion soon took effect and teh cigarette was, shall we say, all butt gone. A tense conversation ensued as the tape finally rolled. 'Will I be able to whip my dick out onstage in Perth'? Molko hissed. 'You'd have to be quick,' Hill responded. 'Aren't all men quick?' came the singer's stinging retort.
At less than 10 minute's worth, it was, unfortunetly, the interview that was quick. After shaking his hands, Molko went back out to the waiting car, where, according to reports, he lit a cigarette.
For our review of Placebo's smokin' performance on Tuesday night at Metroplois City, turn to Live on page 23.

After reading this I sent an email to them to find out whether it got played or not. Here's what they said: "as you would have gathered when reading the item in x-press, the interview was conducted under a bit of a cloud (i.e. me & brian glaring at each other, speaking thru clenched teeth etc etc) and so the end product was not really of broadcast quality. it never aired and it has been erased...a fate befitting the obnoxious midget Molko..."


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