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    Cor dazar (Night Eagle), Gaidin of the White Tower, Warrior of the Jindo sept for the Far Aldazar Din.

    I have little recollection of my early years, only that I lived in the Aiel Waste for only a small part of my life and that I was from the Taardad clan. Although I was too young to yet join one of the warrior societies, I later decided that I would have most likely joined the Shae’en M’taal, the stone dogs, for I never have run from a fight and always saw it through to the end. Around my fifth year King Laman cut down Avendoraldera and so the warriors of my clan crossed the Dragonwall to exact their revenge. One of the Wise ones insisted that I too should go all though I was entirely too young, but she would not be dissuaded. So I soon found myself helping to move camps and whatever else my young, small body would allow me to do, in a strange land filled with large lakes an pools of water. I was a message runner for an important person during that time but I can not recall who he was.  After king Laman was killed I ended up with a small group of Aiel who were part of the rear guard we where pushed far north by those that followed. One night near the borderlands, wetlander soldiers set upon my small camp.  During the fighting I took a serious injury to my entire right side, where a soldiers sword slashed me from shoulder to hip. I killed him and was able to escape crawling my to a small bush where I hid for the rest of the night. As I listened to the sounds of fighting I slowly drifted into a fitful sleep full of darkness and pain. When I awoke there was nothing left of the small group I had come with, not a single tent, but the ground was littered with wetlander bodies.  I clawed my way out of the bushes where I had lay hidden in hopes some of my people had stayed behind, but none had. To my surprise I saw two women coming toward me, they didn't see me until they had almost passed me taking me for one of the dead bodies. I looked up into their faces or tried to any ways but failed. The last ounce of my strength drained out of me and everything went black.
    When I awoke I found myself in a soft bed covered in blankets. A man sat next to the door as if to keep someone from getting in or to keep me from getting out. As soon as I raised my head the man stood and quickly left the room. I sat in the room for some time and when no one came I decide to try and escape for I was clearly not in and Aiel camp. As I tried to move though I found myself severely week and unable move so I gave up and lay still. Eventually someone came and they brought food with them. This was how the next week went. I would wake up with a guard at my door, which would leave and someone else would come to feed me for meals. I grew stronger and by some strange twist of luck was up and back to my full strength within a week. By this time I decided that these strange people had no intentions of hurting me so I decided to stay until I was released. After about three week of being locked in my windowless room I was aloud to go to a practice yard were I could exercise my unused muscles, and several weeks after that I was granted access to the small library.
    In the Library I found an old parchment, forgotten by all, even the Liberians themselves. This
Parchment had detailed instructions on the Aiel fighting style of using hand and feet and also how they use their spears. From this I learned the rest of the lessons I would have learned had I not been uprooted from my home.
            Over the months that passed I gained the trust of the people, who I discovered were Shienarin, and eventually was given my own spears to fight with since I would not allow them to teach me the sword. I soon discovered that I was in the Fal Dara and was put under the command of Lord Agelmar who aloud me to train and learn however and whatever I wanted. After several years He also allowed me to fight with the Shienarin soldiers.
   During the years I spent in the borderland I picked up small bits of their culture and making it my own mixing it with parts of ji'e'toh creating a way of life perfect for me, this often got me teased by the other soldiers as being the first, last, and only person of my new culture. When I reached my fifteenth naming day I had become an accomplished warrior and so was allowed to take solo hunts into the blight. I created quite a name for myself killing three myrddraal and bringing their heads back on first night out. I continued my hunts always bringing back at least two myrddraal heads with each hunt.
     For this I was greatly praised by the soldiers and became good friends with many of them. It was during this time that I discovered I had been rescued by two Aes Sedai and left in Fal Dara with the instruction that I was to eventually be allowed to go my own way. So I decided to speak to Lord Agelmar and find out when this time of my leaving would come.
 We came up with a deal that suited both of us; I would be allowed to go when had killed my twentieth myrddraal or when I reached my twentieth naming day, which ever came first. I was about twelve myrddraal short of this goal and had only two years left before my twentieth. Increased action in the blight kept me busy so I was not allowed to go hunting for most of those years. Not even those who had known me the whole time I had been in Fal Dara thought I would get twenty myrddraal, but on the morning of my twentieth naming day I walked into Lord Agelmar’s office with a giant bag filled with my previous nights work. I reached into the bag pulling out one of the eyeless heads and sat it on his desk and leaving the bag on the floor turned and left Fal Dara and Shienar.
     At first I thought of returning to the Aiel waste but thought that I would never be accepted there so I decided to learn everything I could of the wetlands and the different customs of its people. I traveled to the great library in Cairhien. There I studied mathematics, Philosophy, and art. My favorite things to study though were the things that related little to the normal world. I spent a good amount of time studying the world of tel’aran’rhiod and the art of dream walking, a skill that had manifested itself in me at an early age and grew stronger in me as I grew.
    As I traveled I remembered that I still had toh towards those two Aes Sedai who had saved my life many years ago. I decided that it was time for me to meet my toh and began my trip to Tar Valon and the White Tower. As I traveled to the Tower I learned about the new black tower which was home to the male channelers of the world and began wondering as I had years ago if I myself had the ability to channel, but I decided that if I wanted I could probably be tested at the White Tower by some one there.
     On my twenty-fifth naming day I found myself joining the White Towers elite and began my training as a warder. I never would have adjusted to my new life had it not been for the Gaidin Aelric Calrillian who taught me the ways of the tower and when to keep my mouth shut and other such things. Yet I was not the greatest learner at some things. During the time when I was a Dai Katana, I went to my friend Aelric and asked him to test me for the one power. I passed this test and began learning its ways from him and another good friend Sorhan al’Danielle. As I learned I found I had a talent for making power wrought weapons, my first and best attempt being a set of golden fighting daggers which I carry with me at all times.  I passed through the ranks quickly and in no time at all had been bonded to Niniane Sedai, who also happened to be Aelric’s Aes Sedai also.
After entering the tower, I completely stopped using my small ability of walking the world of tel’aran’rhiod. Over time my Aes Sedai became extremely busy so busy to the point that I never saw her.  She decided to pass my bond on so that I could use my talents to aid an Aes Sedai whom might need it.  Now Bonded to Jascha Esman I hope I will finally be able to fully meet my toh.
    Sometime after the death and rebirth of Aelric, the memories of my years in the three-fold land began to return to me, memories I had once thought completely erased from my mind.  I have an almost clear picture of my parents in my head, both were tall as I am, my mothers hair the light brown as my own, my fathers a fiery red.  My father’s eyes a light gray almost as light as my own my mothers a brilliant light green.  At one point the re-emerging memories became to difficult for me to handle so I traveled to the three-fold land, where I was reunited with my mother, but my twin brother and twin sister, along with many memories.
     As like most Aiel I grew tall at a very early age finally stopping when I was 19 at 6’8”, towering over most wetlanders, my light brown hair is cut short to Aiel fashion, and my light gray almost clear eyes have a way of unnerving people. My wide shouldered, muscular, athletic frame weighs in at 265 pounds.  I have been told by some that I am a hansom man but I do not take claim to such a title myself. When I returned to the blight I had the eagle flying across a full moon tattooed upon my right shoulder, much like my brothers with and eagle flying in front of the sun.  I always dressed in Aiel fashion although I have on very rare occasions, and for only ver prestigious events, worn the color shifting cloak that all Gaidin receive upon their bonding, and dressed in wetlander fashion.