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Feed My Sheep

An ICCDBB Sermon by Dr. Bob Benchoff January 11, 2003.

Jesus Christ clearly made God's will known: "Feed my lambs.": "Tend my sheep.": "Feed my sheep.".

Jesus Christ said this to Peter [Simon BarJona] (with others present) (Reference: Bible Revised Standard Version, RSV, Book of John Chapter 21 verses 15 through 17).

Previously, Jesus Christ fed multitudes of people and asked his disciples who they thought he was (Reference: RSV Book of Matthew Chapter 16 verses 6 through 20 and Book of Mark Chapter 9 verse 9).

Peter said he was Christ, and Christ replied flesh and blood did not reveal this for it was revealed by the Spirit, and he would build his church upon him.

[Note: Via this reasoning, Christian baptism is not of flesh but of heaven (getting wet is of people)].

We are to tend Christ's sheep and feed them the Holy Word.

And not leave the other undone (RSV Book of Isaiah Chapter 29 verse 24).

Harrison Ford is thanked for his work in feeding the hungry.

Whether sharing the Word, or sharing bread and wine, Internet Church of Christ via Dr. Bob Benchoff, ICCDBB, recommends your personal interaction. When you see a stranger that seems to be in need, talk with the person and directly help them.

Please note ICCDBB has no affiliation with the following unless otherwise stated; also ICCDBB offered help, such as involving industrial quantities of free food (enough to feed a city) from a company having the world's largest refrigerator 13 stories tall, but no response was received.

Click for Dr. Bob Benchoff's background and for more Harrison Ford pictures.

Harrison Ford


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