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The Only TMWB CD ever is now here for your enjoyment. "Music For Some Occasions" is avaliable for $10.00 plus $2.00 shipping. To order a CD or if you have questions email us:

Debut CD


Beaucoup Thanks to Annie, Sam and Will for putting up with 5 years years of Monday nights. My Mom and Dad for singing to me, and Mike Sherrin, Pablo Ablanedo, and John Curtis for teaching me to play. Thanks too, Brian Young for his insanity, Joe Casey for his leadership and work ethic, Joe Pete and Scotty for holding it together and Chuckster for smackin' us around. Thanks too, our fans, all 9 of 'em.


Yeahhh- Monday night basketball to monday night music to recording studio with John Curtis in 5 years. Who knew? My love to Amy who appears on this CD, also to Alyson and Craig the joys of my life. Carolyn, the inspiration to writting music. Hello to all my ex's from Texas, TD and KD. Also Red and Wanda Sue. Thanks to Waine Peabody for his teaching skills - Stan and El who filled our home with music. Most of all to fate who brought 6 good friends together to make TMWB.


Where do I begin? The person who knows me best - my wife. She gave me encouragement, criticism and most of all love. I can't thank her enough. She held my hand when I needed it and kicked my butt when I needed that. She listened to more "flat notes" then anyone should have to. She's cringed at my singing and fallen asleep to it. Thanks, Deb. My two boys have brought tremendous joy to my life. I thank them for the inspiration for the two songs I contributed to this project. Ben, I hope you will soar to the highest highs I think you are capable of. Tim, you are the most competent teenager I have ever met. You know how to live and share life. I thank you both for your love. May you both find someone to love, play and cry with, like I have with your mother. Thanks Mom and Dad for everything. TMWB you guys are the best. Thanks for the good times and all the work. I've learned so much from everyone. John Curtis, you are one great teacher, and friend. Tom Eaton, you are a true "professional," and genuinely "nice person." Thank you both.


To everyone who reads this: thanks for listening to TMWB. Special thanks to: Lindy, Jen and Liza, my loves, my life. My bandmates, good old boys with balls! Their better halves, for letting the boys come out and play. Johnny Girouard, my mentor and Donnie Tredtin, my partner in song. Amy, for hangin' with the old guys. JC, for teaching the secret band how to play. Tom E. and JC, for the process and product. Dan and Gil, for our Monday night fix. Brother Mike, our first agent, Chris and Anne Marie, for our breakout gig and my Mom and Dad, for the tambourine.

Joe P

Just like to thank my friends in the band for giving me the opportunity to play and perform the music I've enjoyed throughout my life, but I still think we should have spent the money on a used Cadillac.


Music is my escape from a high pressure legal career. Whether it's playing drums or writing music as I strum my acoustic guitar. I find music to be my therapy. Thank you Linda, Jessica and Morgan for keeping me inspired. Thank you John Curtis for your patience and encouragement . Remember, avoid the "Blue Lights Blues", don't drink and drive.

The Engineer and Producer - Tom Eaton + John Curtis