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March 30th 2002

After 6 weeks of waiting for the CDs to come back, we finally have them. There is no word on an official CD release date, but we'll be selling them at The 7th Street Entry on April 10th. October 31st 2001

Happy Halloween everyone! It's the 2nd full moon this month. SCAAARY! Hey, I just figured out that it's alot smarter to put the most recent news first. I haven't updated the website, or even paid much attention to the website lately, so in the next few days you will see it take a completely different shape. So THAT'S news. We've also finished the mixing process of the new CD. It's wonderful how far these songs have come along. I'm excited to play the CD for EVERYONE! I'm excited to get everyone else excited about it! As you can see we just had professional pictures taken. Our next step is to finish the Artwork and duplication. With the grace of God, our CD should be ready in roughly 27 years. There is no official date for release, so keep checking here for updates.

May 23, 2001:

This is the first entry on the "News" section of the temporary website. Due to our financial situation, we're going through Angelfire, a free web host. The banners take some getting used to, but I'm just grateful to be able to share information with you. I know the website doesn't look as good as it could. In my defense, I'm a musician, not a web designer.
Alot of changes have taken place in the last few months. We have completed tracking on our latest CD, "Choose Your Own Adventure.", and have begun the mixing process. It's really great to see those songs come to life after playing them for so long in our practice space. We're not sure when the album will be released because we've run out of funding. On that note, feel free to send us large amounts of money.
There is also a new addition to the LIVE NATIVE family. Brad Svenson, our former bassist and webmaster has resigned. After months of looking for a worthy replacement, we've inlisted Zach Herbert. Zach has played in a diverse array of cover bands in Guam and has made a smooth transition to the atmosphere of an original band. Zach is a software developer, and is also creating our flash site. More on the flash site as the story develops
Chris, Erik and I are are looking forward to playing our first show with Zach on June 4th at The Fine Line in Minneapolis. It will be a great way to get reacquainted with each other on a musical level. We've been rehearsing the set for the last month, so it should come together really well. We hope you can make it. Rembember, you can get free tickets to the show by emailing us.
We are looking forward to the challenges that lie ahead for us and invite you to become a part of it. In the upcoming months we will have a brand new stage show, a brand new album, and if the fates allow, a state of the art website featuring a NEWS section with proper spacing.
Thanks for visiting our site.

May 24, 2001
It's Thursday May 24. We've just got word that we will be playing Thursday June 26th at THE CABOOZE in Minneapolis. Stay tuned for more details. See you there!

June 5, 2001
Hello Everyone,
It's June 5th and last night's show went really well thanks to everyone who showed up! We really appreciated the support and the chance to brush up on our performance after 6 months out of circulation. It was wonderful to be able to play for you all again. We're happy to report that we brought in *80 people* which is absolutley AMAZING for a Monday night...especially for us!
Thanks again for the support. We can't wait to play for you again. Next time it will be at the Cabooze on July 26th. We'll have the opportunity to share some songs with you that we didn't get a chance to play last night. We look forward to playing for you next month.

June 8th, 2001
It's Friday afternoon and I'm updating the website one last time before I go on vacation. I'll be spending the next 5 days staring into the ocean. For the first time in years, my head will not be swimming with stessful thoughts of getting this band off of the ground. I can't wait any longer.
We've added another show to our list. We'll be playing at The Fine line on September 5th at 10pm. Just thinking about the show makes me so anxious. I actually have to go pee now. Anyway Check out the updates on the interactive page. Please give us your feedback. I have put up 2 polls for your amusement and our enrichment. After I update the news, I'll be putting a link from the BAND portion of the site to a Show Calendar. I only have a half an hour to update everything plus I still have to pee, so I better get crackin'. Have a good weekend!

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