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05.29.02 Andrew

hey everyone. good news good news. max isnt leaving after all. we worked everything out and were all one big happy family again. we got a show next friday at empress with a buncha bands including molasses fucking tavern. anywho it should be an awsome show and hopefully there will be lots of people there cause thewre are like 10 bands.



05.23.02 Max

What's up guys. Just reminding all of you to go to my house Friday, May 24 at 7:00. It is a concert for my aunt and uncle's foundation... the Samara Jan Turkel Foundation. This was set up for their daughter, my cousin, who had auto-immune disease and died at the age of five. Its $5 to get in, $1 snacks and drinks. So its all for a good cause, and all proceeds go to the foundation. So go have a good time and listen to your favorite Weston bands. The order of the bands is as follows: Good Times Burnt Face Mr. Holiday (we only play one show a year) Mollases Tavern Patient Zero X-Akto Side Project Its at 11 Arrowhead Way. Ya need direction email me at Go ya mutha focka! With love-Max

05.23.02 Max

Hello everyone. I am sorry to say that Friday, May 24 may very well be my last show with X-aKtO. It is quite possible that I am departing from the band., due to certain altercations. I am sorry, --Max


05.19.02 andrew

hey, the battle of the bands last friday was damn good. we didnt win anything but i'm just happy cause we got to play cause there were at least like 200 kids there. the benafit thing at max's is this friday, so check that out. later-andrew


05.16.02 :kate

Hey.. two things, tomorrow night (friday) we're playing at toquet in the battle of the bands. i dont know any of the other bands except side project and new media but it should be good. also next friday is our benefit show (may 24) at max's house! its really fun and its for a good cause you can check the shows section for more information, and thats.. about .. all i have to say right now. so come to the show tomorrow! -kate-


05.13.02 :andrew

pardon max's stupidness

later - andrew

05.13.02 :Max

Hey guys its Max. Finally I learned how to post a message. Anyways, most of you know about my new side project rap group. The Cool Bros. "A New Breed of Ghetto" is out now. If you need a copy just ask me or email me. If you don't know my ghetto tunes yet, then you can check out my hit single "Mr. Dehm", which is in the Mp3 section of the site. Its about our beloved biology teacher.


04.20.02 : Kate

happy birthday to me!!!!! haha talk about boredom, i just wanted to say.. go me. im 16. yay :) i went to see poison the well and from autumn to ashes a couple nights ago at the el n gee.. lots of kicking and screaming and fat people falling down. oh yes.. and very good music. i saw the guys from surrender who are gonna be playin may 31st at empress, they're great so you should go see them dammit. okay thats all! byebye! -kate-


04.13.02 : Derek

OH MY GOD! LAST NIGHT WAS ORSOME!!!! Hey I just wanted to thank everyone for comming to my surprize bday party and andrew for setting it up. Golly was i surprized. Molasses Tavern rocked it like mom, Papa Heat and Hena-C fucked shit up, Cool Bros did well for their first live appearence, The Misjudged played one cover which was perdy good, and side project played SWEET AND SOUR!! oh yes they did. We played ok. I personally dont think we sounded so hot but we all had fun anyway so ummmm yeah. Thats aboot it. "A man a plan a canal panama" read it backwards "Go hang a salami im a lasagna hog" Later -Derek-


03.09.02 : Grant

Thanks for another great show everyone. We played at Empress tonight and it was amazing... talk about crowd reaction, Hah. Well WE HAVE AN MP3 FOR YOU ALL! Finally!!! Aright, but it's not the final version, we're re-recording later this month... but untill then, ENJOY!
Much love


02.23.02 : Kate

hey!!! hehehehe i just had a great show!! thanks for comin out everyone! byebye!!! -Kate-


02.18.02 : Kate

hey guys.. this is my first post, and im sure im gonna start rambling on or something. aright well today we finally started recording. it was cool i guess, we got all the levels worked out and it sounded a lot better than we expected. except for that fact taht YOU CANT HEAR MY BASS!!!!!! im really pissed about that, but hopefully (we better) get that figured out sooner or later. otherwise, things were pretty cool, we finished Be One and Copenhagen, and i took some random pictures in the cabana which we'll probably post at some point in the near future. i think ive wasted enough time for now, so i better see all of you at TOQUET this SATURDAY! heh.. Later -Kate-


02.05.02 : Derek

Hey. As you may have heard or noticed, our show with Molasses Tavern on Feb 15 at Arch Street Teen Center is no more. Our Drummer beat the shit outta some kid at school and is now unable to play the show. Sorry about that. We are currently putting the final touches on "Palisades of Heaven" and are starting a brand new song (no name yet) We have two new shows coming up click here for a lil' bit more info:::::SHOWS Recording sucks and we arent QUITE finished yet.....OK we havent started but that's because max's carpenters are slower than my saggy gramma....but that's besides the point. In case you hadn't noticed, we have some more pictures up from some live shows and I am goin to try and put a few more some time soon. click here to check out the ones we have so far:::::PICTURES Ok well that's all i have to say. Later -Derek-


01.23.02 : Grant

Hey everybody, from my understanding we have a lil' video thats being completed for our song "Be One." We'll keep you updated on that, also we're gonna start the long a *fun* recording process hopefully at our next practice... So our demo will be out sometime in the foreseeable future. Also if you have any comments (things you think we gotta work on) or questions you can contact us from any of the listed ScreenNames or E-Mail addresses in the "Contact" section of the nav. bar. Keep tuned to the "Media" section for Mp3's that we'll be releasing as we record and backgrounds im tryin to make. And dont forget to come to our show which is on Feb. 23 @ Toquet Hall (the date might change). Remember we got FREE STICKERS!!!! hah Later everyone
Much love


01.21.02 : Derek

Hey. We got our pics up from our show at the empress ballroom on friday. check em out by clicking "MEDIA" on the nav bar above. The show went great. we played a good show and so did side project and everyone else. There has been some trouble recording but we hope to have some MP3s up soon. We are trying to set up new shows. we will keep you informed. For quicker updates of upcoming shows, mp3s and other shit like that, you can subscribe to the x-akto mailing list at the bottom of the page. We are working on some new songs which should be finished fairly soon. the full demo probobly wont be finished for a little while. We are still waiting for our under construction studio to be finished. Later -Derek-


01.13.02 : Derek

Hey what's up? It's Derek. We just got our new recorder in the other day and are waiting for our drum mics and other shit to come in so we can start recording. The equipment should be in probly on wednesday or thursday and we are gunna try and record "be one" on saturday. we should have some mp3s up shortly. we are making a music video for "Be One" and maybe we'll put that up on the site. Also, we just got our stickers in. They're pretty sweet. They have the band logo with the web site on them. I hope to see alot of people at our show on friday the 18th at the empress ballroom. we are playing with Side project, tripset, and worlds demise. For directions to the empress ballroom and other info, click "STUFF" above and click the link to the empress ballroom. Check back for MP3s, show updates, and other info. Later -Derek-


12.15.01 : Derek & Andrew

Hey everyone. It's Derek & Andrew. Its Saturday Night and we just got back back from our show @ toquet hall in westport. And boy was it packed full-o-fun!!! Side Project played an amazing show as well and Mutilated tore it up with papa heat and hena-c! Come see us on Jan 18 @ the Empress Ballroom. goto the shows section or links section for other Empress ballroom information.




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