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Paulaina recites: "I have four parts. I need a king and four wives."

Trollusk raises his hand.

(Eldawyn looks mighty kingly)

Trollusk says, "i'm the lazy wife"

Eldawyn coughs.

Paulaina says, "Oops."

Paulaina recites: "Wait that is five parts"

Paulaina asks, "Eldawyn wants to be the king, who else?"

Paulaina sits down.

Eldawyn says, "Oh."

Hunny sweetly says, "me me"

Trollusk nods to Hunny.

Hunny raises her hand.

Eldawyn exclaims, "I am the king!"

Paulaina laughs!

Eldawyn clears her throat.

Aedrik says, "everyone wants to be the king..."

Sethannon whistles tunelessly to himself.

Trollusk waves a hand at Eldawyn, dismissing her indifferently.

Eldawyn deeply says, "I am."

Aedrik says, "cept the smart ones"

Eldawyn reaches inside her white body armor and scratches herself under the arm.

Paulaina says, "Aedrik, you are one of the wives"

Paulaina says, "pick one to four"

Aedrik says, "who know the king always gets assassinated"

Trollusk turns to Paulaina and cheers!

Paulaina nods to Aedrik.

Aedrik grins.

Aedrik says, "I'm ok wit bein a wife"

Paulaina says, "Trollusk you too"

Aedrik stands up.

Paulaina asks, "Which one?"

Trollusk says, "i'm three"

Aedrik says, "lets go consumate"

Trollusk nods to Paulaina.

Eldawyn deeply says, "Yes but I get the wenches to do my wash afore hand."

Aedrik tries to pull Eldawyn to her feet, but she is too heavy.

Eldawyn nods to Aedrik.

Aedrik pulls Eldawyn to her feet.

Trollusk says, "lemme be number three"

Paulaina exclaims, "Wait!"

Aedrik says, "we'll be back in about an hour"

Paulaina says, "Sit down you two"

Aedrik clasps Eldawyn's hand tenderly.

Eldawyn grins.

Aedrik says, "oh"

Aedrik says, "sorry"

Aedrik sits down.

Aedrik says, "was gettin into the part"

Aedrik stares off into space.

Eldawyn sits down.

Eldawyn nods.

Aedrik says, "so to speak"

Aedrik coughs.

Eldawyn deeply says, "And don't order royalty."

Eldawyn grunts.

Paulaina says, "pick a number Aedrik"

Paulaina says, "not three"

Aedrik says, "all of em"

Trollusk beams happily at Paulaina!

Trollusk gives Aedrik a good pinch!

Paulaina says, "one two or four"

Aedrik says, "er 4"

Paulaina nods to Aedrik.

You ask, "Can I be one?"

You peer quizzically at Paulaina.

Paulaina says, "Hunny, you can be the king's servant"

Aedrik turns to face Eldawyn.

Paulaina nods to you.

Trollusk beams in loving admiration at Hunny!

Hunny sweetly exclaims, "okay!"

Eldawyn turns to face Aedrik.

Hunny sweetly says, "wait"

Aedrik says, "and we all know wives rule anyway"

Aedrik winks at Eldawyn.

Paulaina says, "I just wrote that part in"

Paulaina giggles.

Hunny sweetly says, "she gonna work me"

Trollusk grins at Hunny.

Hunny sweetly says, "he"

Eldawyn deeply says, "Fetch me supper."

Eldawyn waves a hand at Aedrik, dismissing him indifferently.

Hunny grins at Eldawyn.

Eldawyn folds her arms over her chest.

Eldawyn leans back.

Aedrik says, "mhm"

Paulaina says, "We have two wife parts left"

Trollusk says, "i need my stick"

Trollusk bites his lip.

Aedrik exclaims, "shaddup an gimme yer laundry!"

Trollusk grins at Aedrik.

Eldawyn deeply exclaims, "Off with your head!"

Paulaina glances at Aedrik.

Eldawyn waggles her fingers mystically at Aedrik. How nice.

Trollusk cackles at Eldawyn!

Aedrik snarls menacingly!

Aedrik says, "you aint got the royal guard to do it"

Hunny sweetly exclaims, "no mom, off with his head you say!"

Aedrik hunches up his shoulders and snarls menacingly at Eldawyn!

Paulaina asks, "Carli you want to be wife two or one?"

You say, "Doesnt matter"

Paulaina exclaims, "pick!"

Eldawyn deeply says, "I got the royal hoohays to do it meself."

Eldawyn stands up.

You exclaim, "One!"

You flail your arms about.

You shrug.

Trollusk beams happily at you!

Paulaina nods to you.

Aedrik says, "scuze us...we're jus havin a domestic dispute"

Eldawyn put a crimson-hued ora goupillon in her white silk cloak.

Eldawyn deeply exclaims, "Watch yerself missy!"

Hunny glances at Eldawyn and cringes.

Paulaina asks, "Now.. who wants to be wife two?"

Eldawyn squints at Aedrik.

Aedrik exclaims, "ppick yer favorite, hubby!"

Aedrik removes a claidhmore from in his weapons harness.

Aedrik lets out a loud snarling growl and goes berserk!

You ask, "So this means I have to compete with Aedrik?"

Aedrik screams with rage!

Aedrik jumps to his feet snarling in anger!

You catch Eldawyn's eye, smile slowly, and begin flirting with her.

Aedrik spins around looking for something to attack! Aedrik lets out a blood curdling scream of frustration!

Paulaina nods to you.

Aedrik pants.

Eldawyn wiggles her eyebrows.

You grin.

Eldawyn winks at you.

Aedrik put a claidhmore in his weapons harness.

Eldawyn deeply asks, "I have Trollusk Aedrik and Carli?"

Paulaina says, "They have to volunteer on their own"

Trollusk gives Eldawyn a good pinch!

Paulaina hums distractedly to herself.

Aedrik says, "yer lucky I'm all nurturin"

Aedrik nods to Eldawyn.

Aedrik folds his arms over his chest.

Trollusk grins at Aedrik.

Hunny sweetly asks, "can I be a wife instead?"

Hunny peers quizzically at Paulaina.

Trollusk laughs!

Paulaina nods to Hunny.

Paulaina exclaims, "Okay!"

Eldawyn deeply says, "Well I can read your thoughts."

Paulaina exclaims, "wife two!"

Eldawyn nods to Trollusk.

Hunny sweetly says, "I know how to do that part"

Aedrik cracks his knuckles!

Eldawyn deeply says, "Filthy."

Paulaina laughs!

Trollusk scoffs.

Aedrik says, "like I got thoughts"

Aedrik scoffs.

Eldawyn deeply says, "I didn't marry you for your brains."

Trollusk says, "wife two and three dun need the king no more"

Eldawyn scoffs at Aedrik.

Aedrik strikes a heroic pose.

You roll around on the ground laughing hysterically!

Aedrik runs a hand through his long blue-black hair, trying to make himself presentable.

Paulaina recites: "Paulaina's Parable in the Park- Take four I think"

You sit up.

You grin at Paulaina.

Trollusk turns to Paulaina and cheers!

Paulaina recites: "The Four Wives"

Trollusk bows.

Trollusk says, "er"

Eldawyn clears her throat.

[Town Square, Small Park] A small, shaded park fills an old vacant lot behind a row of buildings, the bright lamplight from the square filtering through the passage to the north to illuminate the area with a soft glow. A weatherworn grey marble statue of a stocky human in pioneer's clothing overlooks the park, his stone hat encrusted by the gifts of decades of passing birds and his right hand half-upraised as if it once held some now-missing object. You also see a large trash can. Also here: Lylonna, Paulaina who is sitting, Lady Hunny who is sitting, Lady Eldawyn, Aedrik, Alazzri who is sitting, Fenwyr, Arcalimon who is sitting, Vro who is sitting, Lord Trollusk who is sitting, Sethannon who is sitting Obvious paths: north, south, west

Aedrik ponders.

Paulaina recites: "Once upon a time, in a land far away from Wehnimer's Landing, allowed you to have more than one wife, if you had the coin. There was a rich king who had four wives. "

(Eldawyn struts about imperious like.)

Trollusk stands up.

You stand back up.

Paulaina points at Eldawyn.

You lean against a weatherworn grey marble statue.

Trollusk sashays up to Hunny.

Hunny stands up.

Paulaina recites: "He loved his fourth wife the most and adorned her with wraps made of the finest furs, the rarest gems and treated her to the most delicious delicacies. He gave her nothing but the best. "

Aedrik nods.

Eldawyn deeply asks, "Who's 4?"

Eldawyn acts puzzled.

Aedrik says, "told ya"

Aedrik strikes a heroic pose.

Trollusk folds his arms over his chest.

Hunny nods to Aedrik.

Paulaina giggles.

You try hard not to grin.

Hunny sweetly says, "Aedrik"

Eldawyn deeply exclaims, "Ahh there you are my favorite!"

Aedrik says, "give it up woman"

Aedrik says, "er king"

Paulaina giggles.

Eldawyn glances at Aedrik.

Eldawyn tries to pull Aedrik towards her.

Aedrik stamps his feet.

Eldawyn deeply exclaims, "Gimme some sugar!"

Paulaina recites: "He also loved his third wife very much and was always showing her off to the other kings in the neighboring kingdoms. However, he worried all the time that one day she would leave him for one of these other kings."

Aedrik asks, "where ya want it?"

Aedrik wiggles his eyebrows.

Trollusk sashays up to Eldawyn.

Trollusk sashays about in a circle with his head thrown back and arms wide.

Eldawyn deeply says, "In my cake."

Paulaina laughs!

Trollusk leans on Eldawyn.

Arcalimon sighs hopelessly.

Eldawyn deeply says, "I saw you looking at him."

Aedrik says, "see you aint gotta worry bout me...I'm loyal"

Eldawyn squints at Aedrik.

Hunny sweetly says, "you cheatin wife"

Hunny nods to Trollusk.

Trollusk beams in loving admiration at Hunny!

Eldawyn deeply says, "I saw you you..."

Eldawyn deeply exclaims, "Lying wench!"

Trollusk folds his arms over his chest.

Trollusk cowers away from Eldawyn!

You grimace.

You try hard not to grin.

Paulaina recites: "He also loved his second wife. She was his confidant and was always kind, considerate and patient with him. Whenever the king faced a problem he could confide in her and she would help him get through the difficult times. "

Hunny smiles quietly to herself.

Aedrik says, "you don't need her got me"

Aedrik tries to pull Eldawyn towards him.

Eldawyn deeply asks, "2?"

Hunny leans softly against Eldawyn.

Trollusk points at Hunny.

Hunny sweetly says, "that's me"

Hunny winks at Eldawyn.

Eldawyn pulls Hunny closer to herself.

Hunny sweetly says, "here to help you with your needs"

Aedrik's jaw drops.

Eldawyn deeply says, "You always were my favorite."

Hunny winks at Eldawyn.

Aedrik scowls at Hunny.

Eldawyn flirts with Hunny, tossing her an inviting smile.

Trollusk asks, "who's a neighboring king?"

Trollusk says, "i'm feelin' frisky"

Paulaina recites: "The king didn't really like his first wife because she was so plain and so boring. She was a very loyal partner and had made great contributions in maintaining his wealth and kingdom. However, he wasn't very nice to her. Although she loved him deeply he hardly ever noticed her or gave her any attention. "

Hunny shakes her head at Aedrik and clucks her tongue.

Eldawyn deeply says, "Take a cold bath"

Eldawyn nods to Trollusk.

Trollusk sticks his tongue out at you, and lets out with a loud, "Thbtbtbtbt" from his lips!

You catch Eldawyn's eye, smile slowly, and begin flirting with her.

You lean on Eldawyn.

You gaze in awe at Eldawyn.

Eldawyn deeply asks, "1?"

Eldawyn peers quizzically at you.

Trollusk points at you.

Paulaina points at you.

Aedrik points at you.

You grimace.

You fidget.

Trollusk asks, "you're new at this king thing huh?"

Eldawyn deeply says, "I always forget your name."

Eldawyn nods to you.

Aedrik says, "but...keep not noticin her"

Aedrik says, "I'm the one ya want"

Trollusk says, "i'm gonna sleep somewhere's else"

Trollusk sashays up to Sethannon.

Aedrik says, "now gimme more stuff"

You turn around.

Trollusk glances at Eldawyn and begins to wail!

Eldawyn deeply says, "To the kitchen with you,"

Eldawyn waves a hand at you, dismissing you indifferently.

Eldawyn deeply asks, "Don't you have something to mend?"

Eldawyn grunts.

Hunny sweetly says, "yes keep her busy my king"

You stride a few steps toward a weatherworn grey marble statue.

You lean against a weatherworn grey marble statue.

Eldawyn takes a drink from her herbal tea.

Paulaina recites: "One day the king fell ill and he knew his time was short. He thought of his luxurious life and wondered, "I now have four wives with me, but when I die, I'll be all alone!" "

Eldawyn gasps.

Eldawyn glances at a cup of herbal tea.

Eldawyn deeply exclaims, "Poison!"

Eldawyn places a hand over her heart.

Aedrik says, " die...I'm out with the good china"

Trollusk says, "croak you old goat"

Trollusk scowls at Eldawyn.

Eldawyn sits down.

Aedrik glances at Eldawyn.

Trollusk says, "i want a quarter of all ya got"

Eldawyn deeply says, "I'll miss you most of all..."

Trollusk tries to pull Eldawyn towards him.

Eldawyn nods to Aedrik.

Eldawyn tries to pull Aedrik towards her.

Paulaina recites: "Thus, he asked the fourth wife, "I have loved you the most, endowed you with the finest clothing and showered great care over you. Now that I am dying, will you follow me and keep me company?" "

Aedrik says, "its ok...I'll be here til ya can't give me anything else"

Aedrik nods to Eldawyn.

You clasp a hand over your mouth.

Trollusk grins at Aedrik.

Eldawyn deeply says, "Would you die for.."

Eldawyn gasps.

Eldawyn makes a wheezing sound.

Eldawyn deeply asks, "me...?"

Hunny clasps her hand over her mouth.

Trollusk bites his lip.

Eldawyn gazes fondly at Aedrik.

Hunny glances at Aedrik.

Paulaina recites: ""No way, you must be out of your mind!" replied the fourth wife and she walked away without another word. Her answer cut like a sharp knife right into his heart. "

Trollusk sits up.

Aedrik says, "Only if I can do it later"

Hunny glances at Eldawyn.

Aedrik grins.

Trollusk gasps.

Eldawyn deeply exclaims, "It was the sugar!"

Eldawyn glances at a cup of herbal tea.

Aedrik exclaims, "see ya!"

Eldawyn growls ferociously at Aedrik!

Trollusk struggles to stand, but fails.

Trollusk moans.

Eldawyn makes a wheezing sound.

Hunny rubs Eldawyn tenderly.

Eldawyn deeply says, "Unfaithful witch..."

Eldawyn deeply exclaims, "I love you still!"

Paulaina recites: "The sad king then asked his third wife, "I have loved you all my life now that I'm dying will you follow me and keep me company?" "

You hear the voice of Aedrik say, "sucker"

Trollusk laughs!

Eldawyn deeply says, "No no it was you I loved best..."

Eldawyn stares off into space.

Trollusk peers quizzically at Eldawyn.

Paulaina recites: ""No!" she replied "Life is too good! When you die, I am going to remarry! Haha!" His heart sank and turned cold. "

Trollusk asks, "it was huh?"

Eldawyn deeply asks, "Die for me?"

Trollusk cackles deep in his throat, his voice rising in chilling laughter.

Trollusk says, "right"

Eldawyn sighs.

Trollusk scowls at Eldawyn.

You hear a dark, chilling cackle of laughter nearby.

Hunny rubs Eldawyn tenderly.

Paulaina recites: "He then asked the second wife, "I have always turned to you for help and you've always been there for me. When I die will you follow me and keep me company?" "

Eldawyn deeply exclaims, "My queen!"

Eldawyn gazes in awe at Hunny.

Hunny hugs Eldawyn, who wraps her in a warm embrace.

Eldawyn deeply says, "Follow me..."

Hunny hugs Eldawyn, who wraps her in a warm embrace.

Paulaina recites: ""I'm sorry, I can't help you out this time!" replied the second wife. "At the very most, I can walk with you to the graveyard and that's about it." Her answer came like a bolt of lightning, and the king was devastated."

Hunny nods to Eldawyn.

You come out of hiding. You fidget.

Eldawyn deeply exclaims, "Nasty hag!"

Hunny frowns at Eldawyn.

You hear a dark, chilling cackle of laughter nearby.

Hunny waves to Eldawyn.

Eldawyn makes a wheezing sound.

Eldawyn gasps.

You hear the voice of Aedrik say, "you sure can pick em, yer highness"

Eldawyn points at Hunny, ruining her hiding place.

Eldawyn stares off into space.

You hear someone laugh.

Hunny flails her arms about.

Paulaina giggles.

Hunny looks around for a moment before sighing disappointedly.

Eldawyn glances at a cup of herbal tea.

Eldawyn nods to Hunny.

Eldawyn deeply says, "Can't hide from me witch."

Hunny sits down.

Paulaina recites: "Then a voice called out: "I'll leave with you and follow you no matter where you go"

Eldawyn snarls menacingly!

Hunny folds her arms over her chest.

Eldawyn blinks.

Eldawyn surveys the area.

Eldawyn deeply asks, "Who is that?"

You hear the voice of Aedrik exclaim, "the maid!"

Paulaina recites: "The king looked up, and there was his first wife. She was so skinny and pale and stood timidly from years of neglect."

You hear the voice of Trollusk say, "what a king you are"

Eldawyn hoots.

You kneel down.

You touch Eldawyn.

Eldawyn glances at you.

Eldawyn's face turns slightly pale.

A pained expression crosses Eldawyn's face.

Eldawyn winces.

Eldawyn deeply says, "Well if you're all that'"

You hear the voice of Aedrik say, "take what ya got, deadboy"

Eldawyn deeply says, "Is left.."

Hunny sweetly says, "egads she's on her last leg"

Paulaina recites: "Greatly grieved, the king said "I should have taken better care of you when I had the chance!" "

Eldawyn deeply says, "I am sorry.."

Eldawyn nods to you.

Eldawyn reaches over and gently rests her hand on your shoulder.

You gaze in awe at Eldawyn.

Eldawyn deeply says, "I should have..."

Eldawyn gasps.

Eldawyn makes a wheezing sound.

Paulaina asks, "The moral of this story is! Anyone like to try and guess?"

Eldawyn deeply says, "Too late.."

You rub Eldawyn.

Eldawyn falls over.

Trollusk fidgets.

You say, "Dont dis the bard."

You hear the voice of Aedrik ask, "give me more wraps an I might lie to ya?"

Eldawyn recites: "Don't drink the tea!"

Paulaina laughs!

Eldawyn sits up.

Paulaina says, "You didn't."

Paulaina exclaims, "You are just in time for the moral!"

Eldawyn offers Trollusk a cup of herbal tea.

Eldawyn exclaims, "For you!"

Eldawyn grins.

Trollusk asks, "you're hardest on the ones you love the most?"

Trollusk bites his lip.

Trollusk accepts Eldawyn's herbal tea.

Trollusk says, "or...should love"

Trollusk rubs his chin thoughtfully.

Vro asks, "4 wives is 3 too many?"

You hear the voice of Aedrik exclaim, "morals! if I'd have known I was gonna learn somethin there is noway I'd have come here!"

Trollusk looks about with a puzzled expression on his face.

Eldawyn gives you a friendly hug.

Paulaina giggles.

Paulaina pulls Vro closer to herself.

Eldawyn hugs Hunny, who wraps her in a warm embrace.

Trollusk gags.

Trollusk falls over.

You snuggle up to Eldawyn.

Eldawyn grins.

You grin.

Trollusk glances at Eldawyn and begins to wail!

Aedrik comes out of hiding.

Eldawyn snuggles up to you, resting her head on your shoulder.

Eldawyn exclaims, "Leave us be!"

Aedrik says, "break it down to us, sista"

Trollusk moans.

Paulaina recites: "The fourth wife is like your body. No matter how much time and effort and lavish in making it look good, it will leave you when you die. "

Trollusk makes a wheezing sound.

Hunny sweetly says, "no no"

Aedrik strikes a heroic pose.

Eldawyn says, "I leave you everything."

Eldawyn nods.

Aedrik runs a hand through his long blue-black hair, trying to make himself presentable.

Trollusk nods to Paulaina.

Eldawyn says, "And you don't even have to die."

Eldawyn nods to you.

Paulaina recites: "The third wife is like your possessions, fame and wealth. When we die, it will all go to others."

Trollusk says, "i get it"

Trollusk nods to Paulaina.

You say, "I stand by my word."

You nod to Eldawyn.

Eldawyn cries with happiness, laughing through her tears.

Eldawyn glances at Aedrik.

You say, "I die a lot anyway"

You shrug.

Trollusk turns to Eldawyn and cheers!

Paulaina recites: "Our second wife is like our family and friends. No matter how much they have been there for us, the furthest they can stay by us is up to the graveyard. "

Eldawyn laughs!

Trollusk says, "i got your wealth"

Eldawyn pulls on you, trying to get you closer.

Eldawyn nods to Trollusk.

Hunny nods to Eldawyn.

Eldawyn says, "And a big behind."

Eldawyn nods to Trollusk.

Hunny hugs Eldawyn, who wraps her in a warm embrace.

Paulaina says, "Unless you become undead"

Trollusk grins at Eldawyn.

Aedrik says, "and in the end all ya got is what ya never wanted"

Aedrik grins.

Eldawyn folds her arms over her chest.

Trollusk smirks at Paulaina.

Hunny nods to Modrian.

Paulaina says, "and succumb to Sheru or whoever"

Trollusk exclaims, "the first!"

Trollusk nods to Paulaina.

Eldawyn says, "I want her now."

You give Aedrik a good pinch!

Eldawyn turns to Paulaina and cheers!

Trollusk says, "i need to know the first"

Trollusk nods to Paulaina.

Aedrik exclaims, "cause she's all ya got!"

Aedrik nods to Eldawyn.

Eldawyn says, "I do love your stories."

Hunny sweetly says, "i don't want to be undead"

Eldawyn says, "Beauty fades missy..."

Eldawyn nods to Aedrik.

Trollusk rubs Hunny gently.

Paulaina recites: "And the first wife is like our soul, often neglected in pursuit of wealth, power and pleasures of the world."

Paulaina exclaims, "But it's all that will go with us!"

Arcalimon applauds Paulaina.

You place a hand over your heart.

Trollusk beams happily at Paulaina!

Lylonna grins at Paulaina.

Paulaina recites: "The end."