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[Town Square, Small Park] A small, shady park fills an old vacant lot behind a row of buildings, the bustling sounds of the square filtering through the passage to the north to animate the area despite its appearance of peace and serenity. A weatherworn grey marble statue of a stocky human in pioneer's clothing overlooks the park, his stone hat encrusted by the gifts of decades of passing birds and his right hand half-upraised as if it once held some now-missing object. You also see a large trash can. Obvious paths: north, south, west

Caden just arrived.

Caden removes a flask of Zeb's scotch from in his flask pouch.

Caden sits down.

Caden leans against a weatherworn grey marble statue.

A pile of pigeon poo falls off the statue.

Caden glances at a weatherworn grey marble statue.

You nod to Caden in greeting.

Caden asks, "wash tha` statue `eh Firenzes?"

Caden waggles his fingers at a weatherworn grey marble statue.

Your hands glow with power as you invoke the phrase for Minor Water... Your spell is ready.

You gesture at a weatherworn grey marble statue. You hurl a stream of water at a weatherworn grey marble statue! The water scours the grey marble statue clean.

Caden nods.

You ask, "better?"

A pigeon soars past.

Caden gazes up into the heavens.

You snicker.

Caden says, "filthy birds.."

Caden growls something vile beneath his breath.

Caden chatters to himself, apparently engaged in a spirited debate with his alter ego.

You say, "The pigeon better not mistake us now for the statue."

Caden slings a serpent crested tower shield off from over his shoulder.

(Caden holds his shield above his head.)

You chuckle at Caden.

A squad of pigeons in a vee shape soar past and begin strafing runs.

Caden utters a light chant and raises his hands, beckoning the lesser spirits to his aid...

Caden gestures.

A flare leaves Caden's hand and shoots up into the sky where it hangs for a few moments before exploding into a breathtaking array of colors. The sheer brightness of the image before you lingers in your sight for several seconds after the explosion can no longer be seen.

You mumble something under your breath.

Caden utters a light chant and raises his hands, beckoning the lesser spirits to his aid...

Caden gestures. Nothing happens.

You exclaim, "Gah!"

Your hands glow with power as you invoke the phrase for Minor Water... Your spell is ready.

You gesture. Water sprays forth and scours you clean! A splash of water hits you squarely, drenching you from head to toe!

You set about preparing yourself to be as presentable as possible.

Several burned pigeons fall to the ground.

Caden says, "shoot`m from th` sky...need an archer"

Caden smirks.

You applaud Caden.

Caden nods.

Caden gazes up into the heavens.

Caden says, "mebbe th` few tha` escaped will have learned better"

Caden mutters under his breath.

A pigeon wearing a white headband dives and just before smacking Caden, pulls up and lets loose with a vile blast.

Caden growls something vile beneath his breath.

Caden coughs.

Caden gags.

Caden utters a light chant and raises his hands, beckoning the lesser spirits to his aid...

Caden gestures. Nothing happens.

Caden snarls menacingly!

Caden stands up.

Caden mutters under his breath.

Caden surveys the area.

You say, "Not a smart Pigeon.."

The pigeons fly off crowing a song of victory.

Caden says, "victory indeed...I`m still breathin"

Caden smirks.

You clasp a hand over your mouth.

(Caden glances around at the dead pigeons.)

Caden waves his hand in a dismissive gesture.

You say, "The more dead, the merrier. "

Caden says, "mmhmmm"

Caden nods.

Caden says, "was in Illistim of those large birds followed me inta town after I`d attacked it`s nest"

Caden sits down.

Caden mumbles something that you don't quite catch.

Journeywoman Kyonshi just arrived. Kyonshi grins.

Caden says, "lil easier ta fend off tho...pigeons are a lil smaller"

You nod to Caden.

Caden says, "be wary of th` local birds.."

Caden nods to Kyonshi.

Caden asks, "min rinsin me off as well?"

Caden glances at you.

Caden mutters under his breath.

Your hands glow with power as you invoke the phrase for Minor Water... Your spell is ready.

You gesture at Caden. Water sprays forth and scours Caden clean! A large splash of water drenches Caden from head to toe!

Caden mutters under his breath.

He smells just like Caden.

You say, "better.."

You nod to Caden.

Caden says, "jus` don think you`ll get ta do tha` again an live"

Caden nods.

Caden dusts himself off.

You say, "I know of that was a one time moment. I have heard of yer wrath."

You nod to Caden.

Caden says, "good good"

Caden says, "I do hope you enjoyed it as well"

Caden smirks.

You say, "of course. I can actually tell others I wet Caden.." You snicker.

Caden says, "mmhmmm"

Caden mumbles something that you don't quite catch.

You say, "best I leave now."

Caden nods.

You say, "Good day to ye."

Caden begins to twitch.

You wave.