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Today is Day of the Huntress, day 30 of the month Eoantos in the year 5101. It is 01:00 by the elven time standard. (11/30/01)

[Wehnimer's, Garden] The end of the garden path goes right up to the curve of the palisade as it cradles the Landing at the southeast corner. The only way out is back north towards the main road from which you came. Obvious paths: north. Elthors followed.

Elthors chuckles.

You say, "let's spread all the cookies out"

Elthors kneels down.

You kneel down.

Elthors starts chortling.

Elthors removes a frosted gingersnap cookie from in his black leather greatcloak.

Elthors drops a frosted gingersnap cookie.

(Nyvea spreads all her cookies out in a neat little circle around her and Elthors)

You remove a crunchy peanut butter cookie from in your brown suede cloak.

You drop a crunchy peanut butter cookie.

Elthors removes a crunchy peanut butter cookie from in his black leather greatcloak.

You remove a golden brown shortbread cookie from in your brown suede cloak.

You drop a golden brown shortbread cookie.

Elthors drops a crunchy peanut butter cookie.

You remove a frosted gingersnap cookie from in your brown suede cloak.

You drop a frosted gingersnap cookie.

You turn around.

You remove a large chocolate cookie from in your brown suede cloak.

You drop a large chocolate cookie.

You remove an iced walnut fudge cookie from in your brown suede cloak.

You drop an iced walnut fudge cookie.

(Elthors drools as he scatters his cookies)

You remove a small sugar cookie from in your brown suede cloak.

You drop a small sugar cookie.

Elthors removes a golden brown shortbread cookie from in his black leather greatcloak.

Elthors drops a golden brown shortbread cookie.

You turn around.

Elthors removes a large chocolate cookie from in his black leather greatcloak.

Elthors drops a large chocolate cookie.

Elthors removes a small sugar cookie from in his black leather greatcloak.

Elthors drops a small sugar cookie.

Elthors removes a small sugar cookie from in his black leather greatcloak.

Elthors drops a small sugar cookie.

Elthors removes an iced walnut fudge cookie from in his black leather greatcloak.

Elthors drops an iced walnut fudge cookie.

Elthors removes an iced walnut fudge cookie from in his black leather greatcloak.

Elthors drops an iced walnut fudge cookie.

(Nyvea carefully inspects the line of cookies, making sure they are a perfect circle)

[Wehnimer's, Garden] The end of the garden path goes right up to the curve of the palisade as it cradles the Landing at the southeast corner. The only way out is back north towards the main road from which you came. You also see an iced walnut fudge cookie, an iced walnut fudge cookie, a small sugar cookie, a small sugar cookie, a large chocolate cookie, a golden brown shortbread cookie, a small sugar cookie, an iced walnut fudge cookie, a large chocolate cookie, a frosted gingersnap cookie, a crunchy peanut butter cookie, a golden brown shortbread cookie, a crunchy peanut butter cookie and a frosted gingersnap cookie. Also here: Elthors who is kneeling Obvious paths: north.

Elthors surveys the area.

You say, "hmmm...this looks sufficient"

Elthors says in Sylvankind, "maybe he full"

Elthors sighs.

You survey the area.

You say, " we have to sing a song to get him here."

Elthors starts chortling.

Elthors exclaims in Sylvankind, "you start it!"

Elthors chuckles.

You sing: "Oh great cookie man named Khaladon! I have made a wonderful cookie song! We have this circle of cookies here! We bring them to you so you'll have some cheer!"

Elthors sings: "Oh wont you join our song Big and strong Lanky and long Khaladon!"

You sing: "We wish for you to come and eat the coooooookies! We offer them to you don't you see? These cookies are for Khaladon so he won't kill us! So Khaladon eat these is a must!"

Elthors sings: "Sugar fit for a king All placed in a ring Wont you come and taste the treat laid out before our feet!"

Elthors starts chortling.

You renew your songs.

>report I want it to be known that for the record...we are trying to make a cookie offering to Khaladon and he has NOT shown up to claim them. Anything that happens to these cookies hereafter I am not accountable for!

>REPORT should only be used to notify the GemStone III staff of emergency situations or gamewide technical errors. Please use ASSIST for general support.

Message sent to all online game staff. You may type ONDUTY to see which staff members are currently on duty. If you feel the need to speak with the staff, please type ASSIST for a list of options.

You sing: "We have these cookies here laid out for you! They are warmy tasty and full of cookie goo! So Khaladon we want you to know that we care! So please eat the cookies and don't singe our hair!"

SEND[Marisoll] I like cookies. :)

You rub a crystal amulet. The distant thoughts in your mind feel stronger.

SEND[Sawenna] I wouldn't want to be the one responsible for anything that happened to the cookies!

You focus on projecting your thoughts... Round time: 5 seconds.

You hear the faint thoughts of You echo in your mind: "There are plenty of cookies in the Wehnimer's Garden! We were trying a cookie sacrifice to Khaladon and he did not show! I report he did not show! The cookies are now on a free for all to everyone!"

You laugh out loud!

You feel at full magical power again.

Elthors sings: "Can a man be found To eat these cookies placed on the ground Come eat them please I beg you on my knees!"

Elthors starts chortling.

You hear the faint thoughts of Kaitlen echo in your mind: "any chocolate ones?"

You hear the faint thoughts of Elthors echo in your mind: "all kinds!"

You focus on projecting your thoughts... Round time: 5 seconds.

You hear the faint thoughts of You echo in your mind: "yes there sure are!"

Elthors says in Sylvankind, "now for the profit taking"

Elthors wrings his hands.

You focus on projecting your thoughts... Round time: 5 seconds.

You hear the faint thoughts of You echo in your mind: "chocolate and sugar and gingersnap and peanut butter and shortbread and...and...and walnut fudge!"

Elthors cackles!

A bolt of lightning streaks down from the sky and strikes Elthors! ... 40 points of damage! Massive electrical shock turns head into shark bait. Time to feed the fish.

* Elthors drops dead at your feet!

A tremendous crack of thunder follows instantly!

* Elthors just bit the dust!

You exclaim, "ack!"

Suddenly you have the strangest feeling that you are being watched. The feeling fades as quickly as it came.

You fling yourself on the body of Elthors, wailing mournfully.

A cloud of dense silvery fog suddenly appears. The fog quickly dissipates to reveal Kaitlen.

A bolt of lightning streaks down from the sky and strikes you! ... 50 points of damage! Horrifying electrical shock converts head into blood-stained glass. Death is a step up. The silvery luminescence fades from around you. You come back into focus. The buzz of thoughts in your mind subsides.

It seems you have died, my friend. Although you cannot do anything, you are keenly aware of what is going on around you...

You mentally give a sigh of relief as you remember that the Goddess Lorminstra owes you a favor.

...departing in 10 mins...

A tremendous crack of thunder follows instantly!

* Nyvea just bit the dust!

Kaitlen asks, "the cookie eat ya?"

You hear the ghostly voice of Elthors say in Sylvankind, "he didnt like our song"

The spirit of Elthors sighs softly, raising the hairs on the back of your neck.

You exclaim, "oh no! All we were doing was singing him a cookie song!"

You exclaim, "And all these cookies were here just for him!"

You hear the ghostly voice of Elthors say, "yeah we wanted him to come see us"

The spirit of Elthors begins to wail eerily.

Kaitlen loses her intense expression.

Kaitlen cackles!

Khaladon whispers, "Heh, and dont use report too often, its for emergencies"

You laugh, the sepulchral sound echoing through the room.

Kaitlen removes a white flask from in her spidersilk cloak.

Kaitlen forces your mouth open, and pours in a small amount from her white flask. You feel a tingle on your soul, as if a powerful hand is gently cradling it. (Thy soul is bound to thy body for an extra 23 minutes.)

Kaitlen says, "ero"

You hear the ghostly voice of Elthors say, "now what we supposed to do, dead people cant eat cookies"

Kaitlen drops a white flask.

The spirit of Elthors sighs softly, raising the hairs on the back of your neck.

You sigh softly, your ghostly voice a mere breath on the wind.

The ghost of Elthors whispers, "he was listening!"

You say, "we can let the ants get them, i just wanted him to have the cookies. Thought we were being nice"

Skarne just arrived.

Kaitlen just gave Skarne a smooch.

Skarne grins.

You see a wave of energy emanate from Skarne toward Elthors. It coalesces around his body and then seeps in, leaving a glow around the body.

You begin to wail, your spirit lamenting your current state.

Kaitlen says, "that works"

You take a deep breath, and look around with renewed vigor. It is good to be alive, and an adventurer in this land.

You hear the ghostly voice of Elthors say, "yeah I was hoping we could see em eat"

Throg just arrived.

You say, "No more cookies for Khaladon...I'm keeping all the ones I find now"

Kaitlen picks up an iced walnut fudge cookie.

Kaitlen picks up an iced walnut fudge cookie.

Kaitlen put an iced walnut fudge cookie in her spidersilk cloak.

Kaitlen put an iced walnut fudge cookie in her spidersilk cloak.

Kaitlen picks up a small sugar cookie.

Kaitlen picks up a small sugar cookie.

Throg grunts.

Kaitlen put a small sugar cookie in her spidersilk cloak.

Kaitlen put a small sugar cookie in her spidersilk cloak.

Kaitlen picks up a large chocolate cookie.

Kaitlen picks up a golden brown shortbread cookie.

Kaitlen put a golden brown shortbread cookie in her spidersilk cloak.

Kaitlen put a large chocolate cookie in her spidersilk cloak.

Kaitlen picks up a small sugar cookie.

Kaitlen picks up an iced walnut fudge cookie.

Throg asks, "Still need flask?"

Kaitlen put an iced walnut fudge cookie in her spidersilk cloak.

Kaitlen put a small sugar cookie in her spidersilk cloak.

Skarne says, "shuldnt sociate wit gods,dey dun tink like us normal folk"

Kaitlen says, "nope tanks though"

Throg grunts.

Kaitlen picks up a large chocolate cookie.

Kaitlen picks up a frosted gingersnap cookie.

Kaitlen put a frosted gingersnap cookie in her spidersilk cloak.

Kaitlen put a large chocolate cookie in her spidersilk cloak.

You say, "Well..I guess he thinks he's a god...a cookie one at that"

Kaitlen picks up a crunchy peanut butter cookie.

Kaitlen picks up a golden brown shortbread cookie.

Kaitlen put a golden brown shortbread cookie in her spidersilk cloak.

Kaitlen put a crunchy peanut butter cookie in her spidersilk cloak.

Throg asks, "What kill you here?"

Kaitlen picks up a crunchy peanut butter cookie.

Kaitlen picks up a frosted gingersnap cookie.

Kaitlen put a frosted gingersnap cookie in her spidersilk cloak.

Kaitlen put a crunchy peanut butter cookie in her spidersilk cloak.

Kaitlen says, "COOKIES"

Kaitlen stands up.

Skarne says, "dey allergic to da flowers"

You say, "Our commune to the cookie god failed"

Kaitlen reaches down and tenderly cradles Elthors's lifeless hand in hers.

Kaitlen reaches down and tenderly cradles your lifeless hand in hers.

Kaitlen clasps Skarne's hand tenderly.

You hear the ghostly voice of Elthors say, "failed"

Kaitlen says, "off we go"

The spirit of Elthors sighs softly, raising the hairs on the back of your neck.

Throg grunts.

Kaitlen gestures and utters a phrase of magic.

Kaitlen gestures.

Your surroundings blur for a moment . . .

[Wehnimer's, Erebor Square] The dome of a large temple rises before you. The circular building is surrounded by marble porticos and teak columns. A promenade leads to two pillars, through which you can peer into the inner sanctum. You observe priests, acolytes, monks and worshippers engaged in various rituals of devotion. A locked almsbox is securely bolted to an iron pole alongside the pillars. You also see a wrought-iron gate and the Griffin sword which is embedded to its hilt in a glowing white stone. Also here: Lady Kaitlen, the body of Elthors who is lying down, Skarne Obvious paths: south, east, west.

Kaitlen says, "weeeee"

Kaitlen looks feeble and sickly.

The sickly pallor seems to fade from Kaitlen.

Skarne says, "i dun like dat foogin stuff"

Skarne says, "wanna hab corpse races"

Skarne grins at Kaitlen.

Skarne gives Kaitlen a firm punch and backs away from her.

Skarne says, "bet i drag faster"

Kaitlen asks, "with all these cookie on me?"

Elthors gives a ghostly chortle.

Kaitlen exclaims, "ya nuts!"

Moral of the story - Don’t mess with Khaladon’s Cookies