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The Story of Nekropolis

The story of Nekropolis starts millions of years from now on another planet. The planet was...two-sided, if you will. A dimensional rift existed between the human world and the inhuman world. The inhumans were enlightened, and peaceful, yet powerful beyond imagination. The humans had no magic and, for the most part, were full of prejudice for the inhumans. Some inhumans got along perfectly well with the humans. But the fear of us carried them too far. They knew if they started a war, the inhumans would win...so the human scientists created...The Nightmare.

The Nightmare was stronger than anything the inhumans had ever seen. It caught them completely off guard. The inhumans had little time. they proposed a powerful counter-attack. Using powerful magic mixed with human science from their only human friends, and the humours of their dead king, Moghorr the Indestructible, a scarecrow was brought to life with immense power. Almost strong enough to kill the Nightmare. When faced against it, the scarecrow-like creature, Trauma, only managed to rip out it's left eye and break one of it's arms. Trauma still carries the eye to this day. The creature was defeated for then. In the meantime, Trauma began to wonder...he felt angry for being forced to fight something obviously stronger than him. His anger getting the best of him, he stormed into the lab and slaughtered the old, wheechair-bound men who made him and stole their ship to escape the war. The ship was shaped like a comet, so it would not be too conspicuous. He escaped the planet at the very last second.

Just as the ship was about to go through a dimensional vortex, Trauma heard a noise from the trunk. He discovered the planet's strongest vampire, whose name is unpronouncable with the human tongue. He had gotten piss drunk from drinking the blood of an alcoholic human soldier, and passed out in the trunk of the comet-ship. Trauma immediately used his instincts and started to strangle @#*&^%$. The vampire awoke while the scarecrow was screaming profanities and asking if he had any Froot Loops. After rummaging through his pockets, @#*&^%$ gave away his precious fruity cereal and the two became friends....kind of.

They traveled through time and space and finally reached the planet known as Earth. Around the time of Jesus. The monsters followed him around for a bit, smoked him up, then learned many ancient secrets...one of which being the secret of resurrection. Shortly after their homie Jesus was crucified, the two were blamed by those who followed him for his death, and so powerful wizards were summoned to cast a spell on Trauma and Mr. Skillzz, banishing them forever. The two were cast far off, into yet another dimension. It was pitch black. Their only source of light was that of the fridge in their ship. There they stayed, for nearly two thousand years, bumping into things, too scared to sleep, because of the much bigger demons that ran around freely, surviving on pure caffeine...Until their eyes adjusted to the darkness. Then, they realized where they were. This was the land of the dead. The two, with their sight and powers returning, quickly overthrew the current ruler of the land, sat down on the throne, scratched their nuts, and renamed it...The Nekropolis.

When they finally resurfaced in 1990, they decided it was time to find new bodies. Trauma found the body of a dead child who suffered from a massive head wound after falling out of a tree. @#*&^%$ possessed a teenager who does nothing but watch wrestling, eat Hot Pockets, and order his grandmother to drive him places.

The two realized that the Nightmare was after them and that they must raise an army to fight for them. An army of.......THE DEAD! The dead seem to be a lot more reliable and stronger, especially after they were given their bio-armor..

While waiting for the creature's arrival, they both took an interest in music, particularly the horrorcore genre and thought it'd be cool to make their own sick music. With that thought, @#*&^%$ changed his name to Mr. Skillzz and Trauma added the "M.C." to the beginning of his name. After 3 semi-successful shows before small crowds, Nekropolis now thinks they are the greatest band in the history of the world....

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