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Diehard Telford Fans Website Update - 8th May 2003

Welcome to Diehard Telford Fans. Of course an unofficial website for Telford United FC. We are currently going through major changes, as we aim to bring fans a comprehensive Telford site to blow your cotton socks clean off. Not only for Bucks Fans but also for supporters of all conference teams as we intend to include a howge conference page entwined with Telford news, with news and views from all 22 clubs. Switching to a new domain isn't a high priority at the moment as I feel that angelfire is not too bad on the pop up pete front compared to other sites, but if the opportunity arises then I will look into it. I will be looking to get the radio show off the ground once and for all, for all fans not just those in the conference. That's all in the line of the pipe plus expect more big things kids cos you never know what's about to happen. Top web designer is pretty much on the ship now who will design for free, just need to promote his biz. Seems fair to me. As always you can email myself with any thoughts, comments and ideas for the site at the following addy, looking for some dudes to do match reports when we can't make it. one or more from each team so that we get a balanced view. No payment naturally, just satisfaction and perhaps a career in sports journo. Anyway folks, thanks for all those who have visited over the past 3 years, apologies that the site has never really been up to any sort of standard, but next season we will devote more time and effort. More news to follow.

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