Body Odour is the first that comes to mind. You may fancy yourself to be a great sportsman,
but remember to have a bath before you meet her (the fact that you've just come from a cricket 
game or a gym workout won't impress her much if you smell.
Too much of machoism also doesn't work. She will be bored in a few
minutes if you keep talking about your muscles, your gym and the last fight you got into.
Also,you would do well to stop boasting about your previous conquests. Believe us, 
it doesn't impress gals. They'll just get put off. 


Don't know what to give her and you are running out of time? Hunt for the nearest florist 
and pick up a bunch of fresh roses. It may not seem the most original idea, but let us assure
you, it's a foolproof one. Get her a BIG bunch. Yes, the BIGGER, the BETTER.

If you do have some time on your hands,
 here's a choice of some other stuff:

Jewellery, (rings, earrings, bracelets)/Clothing: 
Women often 
think of these as signs of intimacy; after all you're giving her 
what you think will look good on her. With clothing however,
 you have to be very careful. If you mess up on the size she 
could feel that you didn't bother too much.

Perfumes are another safe bet. The fragrance you buy should not 
clash too
much with the one she currently wears. 


You want to impress this lass, but you're lost for words. What do 
you do? Don't for heaven's sake 
try to be too funny, especially if you're not known for 
your sense of humour. There's this story about a smart chap 
who went up to a girl and muttered: "If I were a mosquito, 
I would bite you." The girl did respond. 
But not exactly in the way the guy expected. "If you were 
a mosquito, I would swat you."
Avoid lines like:
Vow, what a body!
Can I talk about your figure?
I'd love to get my arms around you, or things to that effect.
Me Tarzan, you Jane! 


A woman's pet crib is that the man she's with just doesn't listen to 
her. She isn't wrong. If a woman has a problem, 
the man will gallantly step forward with a solution --- even though he 
hasn't finished hearing out the woman. 
He wants to provide instant solutions, achieve instant results. 
she isn't pouring her heart out to you because she wants you solve 
them (let's face it, you're not God). 
Rather, she just wants somebody to LISTEN to her, to UNDERSTAND her 
to EMPATHISE with her. So be patient and let her finish. She'll 
feel better on her own then. 
If she isn't still feeling fine, 
then you can come up with something. Now that you've heard her 
entire problem, 
you will be able to provide a more sensible solution. 


How many times have you got the feeling that your partner is 
trying to change you? 
Most men will answer: "Often." Yes, it's inevitable. If the woman 
with you loves you, 
she feels it's her responsibility to 
"improve" your life. 
Whether you think of it as an "improvement" is of course another 
The problem here is that whilst your partner feels that she is helping you, you resent 
because you feel she is trying to "control you." So you keep resisting her help. 
But the more you resist, the more she persists.
Sounds frustrating, 
doesn't it? Well relax, just understand that it's in a woman's nature to constantly keep 
"improving" you. Don't fight it. Once you accept this fundamental difference in a woman, 
it will make life easier for you. The next time she suggests you do something, don't resist. 
Agree with her. The more you agree, the less she will "nag" you. Gradually (not abruptly), 
try to get into her head that you're quite capable of handling your life. 
But then also look at it the other way: if she stops advising you, improving you, 
helping you, you'd miss it, right? 

Has this happened to you? You met a girl somewhere—like a party--and found that 
you had an immediate liking for her. What’s more, you were pretty certain that 
she reciprocated your feelings. You might have spent most of that evening together 
and had a great ball. Yet, when the next day you sent her a big bunch of roses 
accompanied with a long romantic letter, 
she did not respond well. 

In fact she avoided you completely ever after. What went wrong? 
Here’s what: you went overboard. 
Before both of you could have had a chance to know each other 
beyond an exhilarating first meeting you scared her away 
with overbearing affection. 
Remember that flamboyant demonstration or display of affection can 
really make a female happy, PROVIDED it is AFTER you are in a relationship. 

So if a girl is emotionally ready to 
explore the possibility of finding lifetime romance with you, 
go slow. Allow the affection to build. 
Otherwise she might just think you are desperate. 
In fact, she might even mistake your 
demonstration as impulsive and something that you would have 
done for just any girl.


You’ve been around with this girl for years now. Both of you have shared each other’s 
innermost secrets, and there’s little that each doesn’t know about the other. 
She’s always been around when you needed help, and you’ve always been there to 
lend her a helping hand. In other words, the two of you are the best of friends. 
Suddenly, one fine day, you realize that you want to spend the rest of your life 
with her --- you have fallen in love with her. What should you do now? The first 
thing you need to remember in such a scenario is that she still thinks of you as 
her best friend. So she knows that you will always be around for her.
To that extent, she takes your presence for granted. So maybe now it’s time 
to be not so freely available every time she calls. This hopefully should 
make her desire you more. Remember too that she’s used to seeing you in one 
predictable manner. Step in front of the mirror and take a good look at yourself. 
Maybe it’s time to shed some fat, put on some muscles, change that hairstyle 
the bottom line is that she has to see you in a different avatar. 
Also, you don’t have to Mr. Nice Guy to her all the time, like before. Be her 
friend, but not her doormat. After all, if you want her to love you, she needs 
to respect you first. After a few days of staying away from her (and her calls), 
drop in on her (with your new look), and try telling her that the two of you could 
be more than friends. If you’re lucky, she too may realize that the two of you have 
a future ahead --- as lovers. If she doesn’t think so, no sweat. 
She still is your best friend.


You ask her out, but she says she is busy. Not just that, she 
suggest you go out with another girl, 
somebody both of you know. Or she may point out other 
women who she thinks are good for you. Well, if something like 
this happens to you, take the hint: this girl isn’t interested in you, 
and instead of telling you bluntly that she isn’t interested, 
she’s dripping these hints. So to avoid any further 
bother --- for the both of you --- get the message and move on.