Pissed Off...........Again

Higher Powers Conspire Against Us

I am quite pissed off at this moment. First, I find a guestbook entry that some dumbass teenybopper left. You can read more about it in the mailroom. I vented there, so I will not do it again here.

Our pictures of Steve from the Britney concert did not turn out. You can tell that it's him, but the picture looks so bad. We have another roll to get developed, so let's hope that there are some good ones of him. On another note, the Bosson pics all came out great. (They will be posted soon, promise.) The ones of Brit are all right, but I am undecided as to whether I want to put any on this page. It seems like such a waste of good space.

If anyone catches MTV News 1515 this weekend, you will see clips from our concert. MTV was there because it was the last show on her tour.

Speaking of the Britney concert, I have some juicy news on that. It had been speculated that a member of *NSYNC was indeed backstage at the show. The news channel where I live had reported it, but the report had not been confirmed. On Wednesday, the report was confirmed by a reliable source. Oh, I guess you want to know which member was there, huh? Well, it was none other than Justin. Just friends my ass!!

I can not believe that I was that close to Justin and didn't even know it. The little asshole could have at least came out and waved to the crowd or something. We watched backstage the entire concert looking for him. It's our *NSYNC intuition. We had this eerie feeling that he was there. He never made an appearance though.

The final thing that just pissed me off completely was that our *NSYNC concert has been re-scheduled...until June 26th!! I am so mad. I was so looking forward to going on May 11th. We had been counting down the days.....ugh!!

I swear, higher powers are conspiring to keep us away from *NSYNC.