Tuesday July 30th, 2002 (2:19 PM): Apparently I need to have less of a life to be able to get around to updating this damned site more often.'s not like there's anyone out there that actually checks this place for updates often anyway. I'll just keep slowly adding stuff until I have a huge archive of stuff. Then the selling of stuff starts. this...THIS!! ~Ed

Friday June 21th, 2002 (11:27 PM): it turns out I have no idea when that last update was made...but whatever. I just received some more interesting news...Artex won't be passing us any Mp3's to upload anytime soon...they broke up. Again. This is something like the 29th time they've broken up, so I wonder how long it will last this time... Oh well, the band I'm in...which doesn't quite yet have a name (we're taking suggestions for it on the WebBored) is finally full. We added in Jamie Chahine as a second guitar, and as...well...a good vocalist. We have the Panda song complete. We're planning on recording it sometime soon. We also have a lot of jam songs that sound NOTHING like the panda everyone is going to hate what we play...but whatever. We have TWO guitars doing solos at the SAME time....alright...we tried it once...but it sounded cool so we'll do it again. I think I updated something...I don't know what...whatever.

IMPORTANT!: We need everyone who can to head on out to Jaxx in West Springfield Virginia on June 29th for a special Battle of the Bands with the Dreamscapes Project. They need all of our support to win. It's a short drive and only a $6 cover, so let's get a TON of people out there. Alright..that's all. ~Ed

Whenever I posted this...: Hell fucking yeah! We have a new WebBored. This one kicks the shit out of the old ones. To post, you need to sign up for your own FREE board name. I expect that this new board will soon become one of the most frequented places on crappage. Just like the original webboard was with the original crappage. I've also added the first TWO of the much revered STONED STEVE STORIES! Have fun with this and music to come. ~Ed

Tuesday June 4th, 2002 (11:23 PM): I know that it's been a while since the last update...but here you all go. School is basically over now, and we have a bunch of really awesome projects in the works around here. Artex has the songs for their premier album finally worked out. Recording should commence fairly soon. My band, which is as-of-yet not named, has a good portion of it's songs worked out. We expect to have a CD out in a few months...the main song from which will be availible sooner than that.

In other news, the Gallery section has just recieved it's first update. Check it out to find out what it is... I think most of you will enjoy it. Oh yes...and a treat for all of you who aren't currently on the mailing list (those people already got this). Two of the GREATEST website's I've ever found...each one is hilarious:

Hopefully...this should tide you over for a while. I've pretty much decided to keep up my current routine...and update on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and the occasional Saturday. Check back on those days...something new will mostly be up.


Thursday May 23rd, 2002 (11:30 PM): Yeppo...i just fixed a glitch that's been there for a LONG time but noone told me about until now...assholes...and I added a new hated list...have fun. ~Ed

Thursday May 16th, 2002 (9:39 PM): ATTENTION: Ok. I understand that some people at school are getting slightly annoyed with the daily Hated List. Now, first off, I would just like to say...DEAL WITH IT! It's a fucking joke! It's a game! ...Which by the way...none of you newbies seem to understand how to play so i'll explain in a second... I, ED (ie: BRIAN HICKS) am the one who puts all this stuff up here. If you're going to complain to anyone about this site.....MAKE IT ME. Dammit... Anyway, it goes like this:

I put up one of those lists every other night or so...people then DO NOT vote on which person/band/whatever they hate most. They DO, however, try to figure out the reason that I hate each of these people/etc. There IS a connection. Yes, DO have to hang out with me to know the answer... (the one that seemed to stir up such shit from everyone for example...was "People who keep making me take off my hat." So people...I have NO complaint with people complaining about the fact...i encourage it... It makes people come here...which gives me more reason to keep doing it. And I WILL keep doing it. So kiss my ass. Yeah...that about sums it up...lemme lone....

NOTE: To anyone who didn't have anything to do with complaining about this to Jeff...have a good laugh over it. It's actually pretty damned funny. To anyone who DID complain...go stick your head in a septic tank. And take some pictures to send to us...because that would actually be REALLY funny... ~Ed

Tuesday May 14th, 2002 (10:54 PM): So...the play's over. I'll get back to updating this place. The fucking Hated List got SO damned many response...'twas hard to pick the funniest... Here are the other top funniest. RatBoy: Hilary Clinton's Nicknames...; Jeff: I have poop on my hand.; there were probably a few more that I fact...I'm SURE there were....oh can deal with it. ~Ed

Tuesday May 7th, 2002 (8:48 PM): Yeah...i made an update last night but I forgot to make an update here to let you (all 6.3 of you) know about it. I pretty much just added Brian's History Project to the Nonsense section. Well...ok...Brian's History Project currently IS the entire nonsense section......shaddap. Tonight I'm putting up some of Jeff's funny as fucking hell dreams. Well two of them. See I told you we were going to start adding shit to this site again! You didn't believe me! [racks whoever is reading this]. Oh yeah...and apparently...RatBoy looks more like Jesus. ~Ed

Sunday May 5th, 2002 (10:51 PM): Enjoy yourselves. I just uploaded 3 new audio files for you all. Well...actually it's one new audio file (30 seconds of guitar) cleaned up old audio file (jeff on loveline....but you can hear it!)...and an old phone conversation from a few years back that I just found buried on my hard drive. I didn't bother cleaning it up. Happy listening. ~Ed

Sunday May 5th, 2002 (2:06 PM): Yeah yeah...I've been at school every night until at least 10 for the past week. But hey..the play is just about updates are going to start rolling in here faster. I got my computer set up so I can make good recordings (finally), so I'm going to start recording some local people. Not bands really...just...well...probably just me/Jamie/Ronnie/etc. playing guitar. I might find a few bands and get their stuff up here...who knows. Welp...I just noticed that the last post I made was on April 26th....10 years later. Damned...I can think of nothing but the loss of Rage and Sublime. I'm going to guess that noone has any clue what I'm talking about...except maybe Chad..and Jeff...but I'm too lazy to you don't get a book. ~Ed

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