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It takes alot to know what is love
             It's not the big geese but the little geese 
             That can mean enough 
             Alot of honks to get me through
             And there is never a day that passes by 
             I don't honk for you 
             You were always there for me 
             Biting me and scratching always for the feed! 

             You showed me, when I was young just how to honk 
             You showed me, everything that I should know 
             You showed me, that even I can quack too 
             'Cuz Guido you always were, the perfect goose

             God has been so good oh yes
             Blessing me with a beanie baby 
             Who did all he could 
             I've known many other geese, 
             But your the only goose that I know that doesn't try to kill me 
             I wanna thank you for the feathers you've shed 
             In hopes I can get back to you 
             And be the perfect goose 


             You showed me how to quack 
             You showed me how to fly 
             You told me that you would never migrate 
             I wanna thank you for your time 
             And I'm proud to say I can flyyyyyyy! 


             'Cuz Guido you always were, 
             Guido you always were, 
             Guido you always were, 
             You know you always were, 
             'Cuz Guido you always were... 

             The perfect goose! 

             I love you Guido!
"The Perfect Goose" and the behind the scenes pic came from Tommy Smith's webpage,!!