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"Come to the Dark side" This, of course, is stuff about my Rat Decapitated World.

  • **Name: Monica or Monaynay, Monay, Blair, Spanky, Spothie, Mex, Dumbass, Moon-e-ka
  • **Position in Band: Lead guitarist
  • **Occupation (job): AAAHHHH!!!!!
  • **If I had my arm cut off I would feel: The shaking of my ear drums while the person that did it shreaks in my ear from the pain of death's welcoming,...revenge is mine:)
  • **Would you shave your head for a thousand dollars?: AAAHHH!!!
  • **Best friends: Um... Check my site:
  • **Favorite band(s) or artist(s): um....System of Down, Drowning pool, Mudvayne, Crossbreed, Chimaira, Staind, Soundgarden, Static X, Soil, Puddle of Mud, Marilyn Manson, Killing Heidi, Kittie, Korn, RX Bandits, NoDoubt, The Donnas, The Get Up Kids, Nickleback, Everclear, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Garbage, Poison the Well, Ultimate Fakebook, Ataris, Boy Sets fire. blink 182's site
  • **Song(s) that you think should be mercilessly shot in the head a great number of times: anything by Creed: Human Clay
  • **Status/boyfriend/crush: Foo I Ain’t Telling You
  • **Dogs or Cats: Penguins, Ostriches or Armadillos
  • **Future goal(s): To Go From Kansas To Canada Without A Map, And When I Get There Dress Up Like A Vampire And Scare Small Children, and yes I am 15.
  • **Religion: I don’t know anymore!!!! I’m a mix of different parts of religions, so I’m my own religion now, its called Monaynayism, it mainly consists of stuff from The Catholic Religion and Wiccan Religion, and some stuff from Buddhism.
  • **Role Model(s): Homer Simpson (I would marry that man if he were real) and Janine Garofalo the simpsons web site
  • **Chocolate or Vanilla: Strawberry
  • ** Peppermint or butterscotch: Strawberry Creamsavers
  • **School: Turner High School Penitentiary
  • **Is the glass half empty or half full?: Ga’ Damnit I want it full"
  • **What's under your bed?: I don't wanna find out.
  • **Favorite CD: Rob Zombie: Hellbilly Deluxe
  • **Brothers/Sisters: Jonathan-13 and Hazel-21
  • **Hobbies: Write songs, play guitar, paint (not like paintings or anything it's just painting stuff that I feel should be painted), Video Games, Reading, Trying to prove to the world how each “Brady Bunch” episode was a secret message to Lucifer.
  • **Ever been in love: what’s that?
  • **Favorite movie(s): Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion, Loser, The 5th Element, Final Destination, the Matrix, The Craft, Swordfish, Pearl Harbor, Urban Legend, Bless the Child, Monsters Inc., Shrek
  • **Favorite thing to do in your spare time: Play guitar, sleep, ponder the act of rat decapitation, watch movies, attempt to try to Prove How my English Teacher Mrs. McClure performs sophomore sacrifices to Satan (*I swear she hates us all).