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sweet linx

These be grooven linx to mah friends' sites, as well as sites from which I pirated graphix 'n' stuff, and sites that I just think is cool.

Leah's Groovy Grafix This is Leah's Groovy Grafix site. I don't actually KNOW Leah, but I used alot of her grafix on this site, so I figured I'd give her props.

Poison Candy -- Heidi's site This is Heidi's site... she's our best friend. If we ever need her to, she's agreed to be the Aurora Insomnia equivilant of Spineblister's Little John (Myst?). It's an awesome site. Viewer discression advised.

Spineblister's site This is Spineblister (same people as mentioned above)They're an awesome metal band also based in Turner. They're pretty cool.

Sara (superherogirl)
This is Sara's site... I don't actually know Sara either, I've talked to her a couple of times, but not really alot. She has an awesome site and some wicked-cool poetry, some of the best I've seen.

superbadassJFKAR There is a very fine line between total lunitic (spell check) and absolute geneous (other spell check). JFKAR IS that line. His site is a little... ummmm.... plain... but he really is a cool guy.