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Welcome to Anwesha Dey's World

So this is my web page. That's right - it's all mine! Well, I'm actually a novice trying to make my own web- page here at the National University of Singapore , where I go to school. I didn't always go here. I did my schooling from LORETO CONVENT, Ranchi, INDIA and so far my school days have been the best years of my life.


My parents are doctors both practising in INDIA while I am out here in Singapore trying to make my life, make a career, establish myself and make a mark in this world. I am majoring in Biotechnology- one of the frontiers of knowledge today. I dream of being a worthwhile Biotechnologist some day, and I am patiently and steadily working to fulfill this dream of mine!!!!!! .

For those of you interested in knowing more about me, here's my Resume for your reference!!

My Research Interests

Honestly speaking, I think it is too early for me to decide exactly which field of study I want to specialize in! Ofcouse, one thing is decided. I want to pursue further studies and research in Biomedical Science, preferably Immunology or Neurobiology. What the final choice will be, I leave that to my Destiny (Yes, I believe in Destiny!!). When the time comes, I will know it- maybe soon!!! But, whatever the field may be, I believe that it is more important to excel in whatever one loves and enjoys doing. I have done a few research projects in my University and I feel that it has undoubtedly been a wonderful learning experience.

Academic Links and Some Useful and informative Websites - Browse through this site to get information on Molecular biology, Immunology, Research Institutes, Universities, Online Journals, Softwares, Scientific Topics, Great People.......and a lot more!!!

Come share with me my world of Books!

"For books are more than books,
They are the life; the very heart and care of the past;
The reason why men lived and died;
The essence and quintessence of their lives."

Music- My Passion!!!!!

My Picture Gallery- This is the most precious part of my web page- memories.....memories.... and memories... they are all that remain with us forever!!!!- Don't miss this!!!!

I love dogs!! for those of you who love them too, check this out!

A Person I admire!

Some of my favourite pictures with writings!

Some more!

Still more!

Some of my favourite lines. I compiled them from the web and some of my favourite books!

UNDER CONSTRUCTION!! Thanks for stopping by.

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