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"it is all fun and games until someone loses a major limb!" ~Jeff

"I LOVE IT!!!" ~Kenny Christian

"If you say K.Christian really fast it sounds like Kenny Christian!"~Kenny Christian

"Life is not short, it is the longest thing that you live." ~Jeff

"Minds are like parachutes. They only function when they are open." ~Sir James Dewar, Scientist (1877-1925)

"It's kind of fun to do the impossible." ~Walt Disney

"The way you let your hand rest in mine, my bewitching Sweetheart, fills me with happiness. It is the perfection of confiding love. Everything you do, the little unconscious things in particular, charms me and increases my sense of nearness to you, identification with you, till my heart is full to overflowing." ~Woodrow Wilson~

"Heavens above! The reason why I'm so jealous of you is obvious enough! If you weren't so damned attractive physically, do you think my heart would beat almost to suffocation whenever I see you speak to someone? If you don't realize how attractive you are in that way, let me tell you, other people do, and have told me so…." ~Violet Trefussis~

"As soon as you really start to wonder what the point of sports are, and why to really bother with them, you have just ruined sports for yourself." ~Jeff

"Did you ever notice when you blow in a dog's face he gets mad at you? But when take him in a car he sticks his head out the window." Steve Bluestone

"I'm desperately trying to figure out why kamikaze pilots wore helmets." Dave Edison

"Hell is other people. " - Jean-Paul Sartre (1905-1980)

"I've missed more then shots in my career. I've lost 300 games, 26 times I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I'VE FAILED over and over again in my life. And that is why I SUCCEED." ~Michael Jordan

"Let's go have a smoke." ~Zachnonymous

"I want it so bad i can taste it, wait, that's because I'm licking it." -Jeffy

"When it comes down to it , you gotta bite your lip, bend over and take it in the ass.!!!" ~MANY PEOPLE

"There's a part of your life that's there, you just don't know about it. It drives you crazy." ~Steve Wozniak

"They come in~Drop a bomb~Stinks for 2 weeks~Thanks alot Census!!." ~Trooper Standard

"Screw me sideways on a monday tuesday brick, 6 ways from sunday!." ~Tim Miscavage

"All pay for there deeds they have done to me." ~JAA

"To understand me,you would have to be me,and,well,considering the situation,that is not possible!." ~Jeff

"You only live twice,and the second time you come back as a bird,to shit on people like they do to you.." ~Jeff

"If you want to live a dangerous but long life,the key to it is, Press your luck,NOT your Chances." ~Jeff

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