1.If you are gonna answer the question of the day...answer it in My Guestbook.Only Answers with REAL names will be kept.

2.I want SERIOUS answers.

3.To do this...write the Number of the question and then your answer.It is pretty simple.

Okay...first question.

Question 1: If you had the chance to do anything you wanted for ONE hour a day...Anything at all....What would it be?

Question 2:If asked to Name the worse thing you have ever done...what would your Answer be?

Question 3:If you could live with ONE person all the time...who would it be?

Question 4:If asked to Name the best qualities of your boyfriend/girlfriend/or someone you have a crush on...what would it be?

(9/23/00)Question 5:How would you describe your child hood?

(9/24/00)Question 6:If you had 3 wishes,what would they be?

(9/25/00)Question 7:If you were to have only 3 things on a deserted island...what would they be?

(9/26/00)Question 8:If nobody wanted to have anything to do,what would you do?

(9/27/00)Question 9:When your alone with your boyfriend/girlfriend...what thought is on your mind the most?

(9/28/00)Question 10:If you could pick out a bad quality from someone,what would it be?

(9/29/00)Question 11:If you could live in one certain spot,where would It be??

(9/30/00)Question 12:What is ,so far in your life,been the best day you have ever had?

(10/1/00)Question 13:Well,if anyone ever asked you to do drugs,what would you say?

(10/2/00)Question 14:If you had to choose between family and your best friend,what would you choose?

(10/3/00)Question 14:If you could be any animal what would it be?

(10/4/00)Question 15:If someone asked you to pose naked ,would you?

(10/5/00)Question 15:If you guys dont answer theses soon,would it be ok If I stopped doing them?

(10/6/00)Question 16:If anyone asked you if you ever found a cousin attractive,what would you say?

(10/7/00)Question 17:If noone was around you,and you were not going to be bothered for one hour,what would you do in this hour?

(10/8/00)Question 18:Where is the last place you traveled out of state to?

(10/9/00)Question 19:Who do you look up to the most??

(10/10/00)Question 20:Does anybody answer theses????

(10/11/00)Question 21:Will you be willing to get married for a million dollars?

(10/12/00)Question 22:In the next week who do you will see the most?

(10/13/00)Question 23:What is the scariest experience you have ever had?

(10/14/00)Question 24:Who has been your friend the longest?

(10/15/00)Question 25:Where do you feel the safest?

(11/7/00)Question 26:If you ever lost the most important thing in your life,what would you do?

(3/8/01)Question 27:If you had to decide who you wanted to be with becasue you were in love with two different people...what would you do?


(3/26/03)Question 28:Where do you see yourself in the next 10 years? When you look back on this past year (2002) will you be happy with it?

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