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Earth Moving Rock-N-Roll
Travis: (606)633-4566
Curtis:(606) 633-4864

Well i'll be dipped in sheep dip! Howdy and welcome to the home of eastern Kentuckies very own party band! Those AFTERSHOCK boys are floatin around out here somewhere, come on in, make yourself at home, leave the boys a message, or find out where they're gonna be. Or maybe you just want to borrow the AFTERSHOCK CHAT ROOM! . In any case just come on in, take yer shoes off. . . enjoy. We're glad you're here.

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Looking to see us Live? Check out the Official AFTERSHOCK Calender to see the when and where.

Hey leave us a message. Just Click the. . .

Hey there's only days till the next AFTERSHOCK performance. Are you ready to Rock?

Hey have a laugh on us. Click below for our Weekly Cartoon.

We've got to yell for our friends at HOMETOWN MUSIC in Whitesburg, KY. They've given us a great deal of help and advice since the beginning. We can't thank them enough. So if you need anything along the music lines. . . CALL EM! Tell and tell Cyde, Boyd, Gordo, whoever answers that we sent you. It won't get you any discounts or anything for us but they'll know we're pluggin for em.

Also we have to yell for our cheerin section, our one member fan club. If you've seen us live chances are you've seen her there AMOS MAXIMUS click there to visit her site. sign her guest book. tell her we sent ya! . . .


We've realized something in our time on the road. It seems we see alot of the same faces everywhere we go. Now some people'd get the bighead and say they have fans. Not us. We look at all these faces, some of them even in different states. And we've realized, We don't have any fans. . . but we've got a lot of great friends. Hope you're one of them. And we'd just like to say a great big thank you to all our friends. Ya'll ROCK!

Thank you

Travis Johnson -- Bass, vocals

Curtis Kilgore -- Lead guitar, vocals

Melvin Kilgore -- Rhythm Guitar, vocals

Joe Olliver -- Drums, vocals