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This is a new section to help out the band a little...We want you guys to help us out with a few things like ideas for things, and designing...So, every once in a while, we will ask you for your help to help us with something we may need...

CONTEST 1- ends at the end of summerWe need you to help us make a logo! If you have any creativity in your little brains of yours, we would like you to help us design a logo we can keep and be known with...You can either draw it (if you're special enough) or just give us some ideas. If you draw it, please TRY to make it i color, and don't just write Likewyse, try to put a symbol or picture or something. We don't give a fuck how you give it to us, either E-mail, tell us in school, or whatever, just get it in somehow, we need your help! If we are given an idea, or a logo itself, we will have Buggz lick your feet clean, and give you some free shit and 100% of the credit to you. Fair enough? OK, start now you assholes!
so far, we have one entry from Bob if you're gonna enter, please do so(unless you don't wanna win cool L.W. stuff)

CONTEST 2- ends at the end of summerNow, as a seperate contest, we would like you to either draw or sind a sweet looking font for us to write Likewyse with everywhere we are seen. Maybe this will be on our shirts if its phat enough. We aren't looking for drawings, just a way to write it. IF u send a phatty one, we will also give you free shit, and maybe let you shave our asses, IF YOU"RE LUCKY! (I need a good ass shaving right about now)...I mean...GET STARTED!!!!