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Band Info/History

It all started with ?¿ANONYMOUS¿? the first rock band to come out of LMS. The original members were Kevin B.(guitar), Ryan Q.(guitar), and Bryan F.(drums). Thanx to Mr. Lane, we learned how to play as ood as we do today, and we practiced every day. Anonymous didn't go to far though, it was stopped by summer vacation.

In the fall of 1999, the band Black Hollow was formed as an 8th grade music project. The original members were, front man, John F.(Vocals), Chip S. (guitar), and Ryan Q.(bass)

With the idea of playing the LMS Talent Show, the 3 members recruited Matt B., and Kevin B. As soon as these members entered the band, things started going strong.

Black Hollow was given the idea to write their own song for the show. Thanx to Josh, the song "Therapy" was born. The original song was very dark, and slow, but showed that these guys had talent.

After the talent show, things kept going good. That is, until Chip quit the band. After this, things slowed down. The band was forced to bring in Davin M. to replace John who was now taking over on Bass, and Ryan switching to Guitar.

This didn't work out at all, and that summer Black Hollow died out and that was the end of that. But for how long!!!

Three of the members, however, continued to imprvove musically, thinking up the idea of getting the band back together, just to see what it would sound like.

John, Kevin (Jester), and Matt regrouped, and the sound was better than ever. With Kevin (Jester) on guitar and vocals, John on bass, and Matt on drums, the new sound was born. The sound was the sound of the Close Range Mafia Kids.

Covering a few songs,writing constantly,and working as hard as possible to keep improving these three muscicians continue to amaze themselves, and fans. THE BEST OF THE BEST JUST KEEP GETTING BETTER!!!