Characters in Two Worlds Apart

2 Worlds Apart-Characters KELLI DAWSON
Kelli is a part-time singer, part-time senior in High School. She's from DuBois, Pennsylvania, but she has to travel. She's 17 years old, and has long brown hair with blond highlights. She HATES to dress up, and she has a major baseball hat collection. Sometimes she doesn't know why she got into singing, because the people she works with try to turn her into something she's not.

Sarah is one of Kelli's back-dancers. She's got a big mouth, and will say anything on her mind. But she knows when to shut up, too, so it's all good.

Katie is Kelli's other back-up dancer. She's a little closer to Kelli than Sarah is. She'll do anything to help Kelli put on a great show, even if it means making a total fool of herself.

I didn't even bother giving Joe a last name, because he's not that important. He's just a back-up dancer with no real purpose in this story.

Same thing with Mark. No last name, just a back-up dancer.

You know the drill by now. Just a dancer, nothing more.

Noelle is Kelli's best friend from home. She's not really in the story yet, but I'll add more to her as she comes up in the story.

Yes, the Backstreet Boys are in the story. It would be pointless if they weren't.

Ok, these are the only characters that are currently in the story, or I know I'm going to include later on. Whenever I add a new character, I'll put them on this page. Got it? Good!!
