Chapter Three

Two Worlds Apart-Chapter 3 "All right, that pretty much sums up the meeting," one of the tour managers, Dave, said. "Any questions?"

"Yeah," Nick said. "Why didn't the opening act have to come to the meeting and we did?"

"Miss Dawson is curently on stage rehearsing, that's why."

"Miss WHO?"

"Dawson. Kelli Dawson. The cutest little thing. You'd love her."

The rest of the guys snickered. Meanwhile, as expected, Nick was flipping out. "She's opening for us and no one told me? What kind of friends are you guys? Where is she again?"

"The stage, dummy," AJ said.

"Well, she's probably gone now," Dave told them. "Her final rehearsal ended ten minutes ago. But you'll have plenty of opportunities to get to know her."

"Fine," Nick slumped back down in hiw chair. "But I better get to meet her soon."

"I'm going to assume that Nick likes Kelli," Dave said.

"Yeah, he thinks she's all that and a bag of chips," Brian laughed.

"Shut up! She's just hot, and funny, and nice, and sweet," Nick said with a dreamy smile on his face.

"And if I were her, I would think that you were a total loser," AJ said. "And besides, for all you know, she's really some hot-headed biker chick with a prissy attitude."

"She's not."

"How do you know?" Kevin asked.

"I just do."

They ended the meeting and went to finish practicing.


"GO AWAY!" Kelli threw a pillow at her hotel room door.




"ARRGH!! Fine." Kelli went to her door and let Sarah in. "Why do I have to get up at the crack of dawn?"

"Kelli, it's 8:30. That's not exactly the crack of dawn. We have practice from 9:30 til 11:00 and then we have the whole day free until 5:30. And us dancers are leaving in 15 minutes so we can stop at McDonalds on the way."

"All right. When do we load the buses and everything?"

"After rehearsal. Do you ever know what's going on?"

"No, not really. Gimme 10 minutes." Kelli grabbed some clothes and headed into the bathroom to shower. Sarah, knowing that Kelli would be more than 10 minutes, sat down and got comfy.

Ten minutes later, Kelli emerged from the bathroom wearing Adidas warm-up pants and a white tank top. She pulled on some beachy sandals and opened a suitcase. "Pick a hat," she instructed Sarah.

"This one." She handed Kelli a 76ers hat. "I want to see how far you can get before someone tells you how great the Magic are, even though they're not."

"All right. I think I'll wear it backwards. I'm in the mood to wear an idiot of myself." Kelli put her hat on.

"Ok, you look lovely. Now, let's go." They went down to the lobby, where Katie, Adam, Mark, and Joe were waiting. "Let's go!" Sarah marched out the door, while everyone scrambled to follow.

"Coming, oh fearless leader!" Mark called. "I'm driving!!" he shouted when they got to the van.

"Shotgun!" Kelli followed.

As soon as everybody was settled in the van, they were on their way. Kelli immediately turned on the radio.

'Visiting hours are nine to five and if-'

"Aaah! New station!" Kelli turned to station to a Mariah Carey song.

"Aww, Kel, that was you!"

"Shut up, Joe."

"I didn't even say anything."

"Yeah, you did."

"Really, what did I say?"

"You mocked my singing."

"Did not."

"Did too."

"Ok, guys, stop it!" Adam said as they pulled into McDonalds. "I want to eat before you kill each other." They walked inside, ordered their food, and sat down. To avoid a couple of murders, the guys sat at one table, and the girls at another.

Chapter Four
