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© I Promise You: BSB FANfiction & other stories

.::* Summer Love *::.

Chapter 1: Pigstye and Popstars

"Are you sure this is a good idea? I mean I really do not want to clean up people's messes all day long. Seriously! Can't they clean it up themselves!" Katelynn complained as she fiddled with the car radio. Turning the knob to the right she encountered Christina Aguilera's What a Girl Wants. "Hell no! I am not listening to this crap." she said shoving a tape into the tape deck. Moments later 98 degrees My Everything sounded from the speakers. "Ah, much better."

"It's this left, right before Carson Square." Lindsey pointed to ahead and Katelynn turned right. "It's at the end of the road. The parking garage is on the right."

Katelynn pulled into the parking lot. They parked and walked through the sliding doors to the main desk. A woman was one the phone but motioned to the two girls that she would be with them in a second. After a minute or two she hung up. "Welcome to the Sharaton Tara. My name is Lucy. How may I help you?"

"Hi, I'm Lindsey Shane and this is Katelynn Grindle. We are interested in working here for the summer and are in need of applications."

Lucy turned around and reached into a folder and pulled out two pieces of paper and handed them over the counter. "You can fill these out over there." She pointed to the lobby sofa.

The two of them sat next to one another on the seafoam green sofa and filled out the applications. "The pay better be nice."

"I bet it will be. Besides it's a summer job before college. Anyways we are still debating taking a year off so we will need the cash." Lindsey and Katelynn handed their applications to Lucy and left.

They went back to Lindey's house where the two of them could hang out and wait for a call back from the hotel.

"Do you think we got the job?" asked Katelynn flipping through the latest issue of Teen.

"I hope so. I'd rather work in an airconditioned building with a pool and gym then work in a crowded mall all summer."

"Oh look is an ad for Dude, Where's My Car."

"Ashton is so hot!"

"Mmm Ashton. We should go see that next weekend with..."

The phone rings and interupts their conversation. "Hello? Yes this is she...hello Mr. Bishop...really that's even better....ok so tomorrow then...bubye."


"We got the job, starting tomorrow. We train with Nancy. Just crash her tonight."

"Aren't you going out with Griffin tonight?"

"Shit! I forgot. Lemme call him and cancel." She dials his cell phone. It rings twice.

"Hello?" said an unfamiliar female voice.

"Who is this?!"

"Natalie, who is this?!"

"This is the girlfriend of the owner of the phone you are on. Now where is my boyfriend?!" A voice is heard the background.

"Baby who is that?"

"I don't know Griff."

"Check the call ID....oh shit! Hang up the phone." Click and dialtone.

"What's wrong Lindsey?"

"That scum bag Griffin is cheating on me with guess who?"

"No fucken way! You don't mean..."

"Yeah...Natalie Brooks! The stupid bitch who was obsessed with my boyfriend all of Senior year."

"Do you want to go kick her ass?" asked Katelynn getting all excitied.

"No, let her have him. He's is just gonna do the same thing to her anyway."

"The boy was destined to have a flaw. I knew he was too perfect." The two sat looking at each other. "C'mon lets go order a pizza and rent a Paul Walker film. Paul always brings a smile to your face."

"Alright. I need a man that won't cheat on me. Paul is always there when I need him."

The next moring the girls stop at Starbucks for coffee and then it was off to work. Katelynn and Lindsey with four minutes to spare awaited in the lobby for Nancy.

"Ah, you must be Katelynn and Lindsey. My name is Nancy and I'll be training you today. Don't worry it will only take about an hour. It's just an observation and description thing. Here are your uniforms. I know they are not the most fashionable things but it's the rules. Come on let's start so you girls can leave on time today." The entered the service elevator and got off on the ninth floor. "Ok room 912. We'll start here." They looked around. It wasn't very messy, just an unmade bed and a towel on the floor. "Not all rooms will be this easy. The basic stuff for all rooms is change the sheets and make the bed. Replace the shampoo and soap in the bathroom and make sure they have new towels. I've had some rooms that were so terrible I almost quit. Since I have been working here for thirty years it just became second nature to me." Katelynn changed the sheets while Nancy and Lindsey replaced the towels and toiletries. "It's only the end of May so it will not be that bad. Wait until all the tours start coming into town. It's like celebrity central. Just last week we had Bette Midler stay here for a night. Oh just look at me, I'm talking your ear off. Let's go this room is done. You have add enough training you can move along to your floors."

"We only cover floors four and five. So it should be simple."

"Thank you Nancy for helping us out and showing us the ropes."

"Oh anytime dears. If you need me I'll be on this and the eighth floor until 5pm."

The last room was clean on the fourth floor and it was time to go home. The girls changed and waited for the elevator.

"Wow, I have never seen so many towels in my life. It isn't that bad really." said Katelynn stepping into the elevator.

"I told you." The number three lit up and the doors opened. A familiar face stepped in and the doors closed. Lindsey and Katelynn got off on the main floor and headed to the car. "Oh my god! I cannot believe I was just in an elevator with Madonna!"

"I love this job!"

It was now towards the end of June and the girls were cleaning rooms as usaual. The fourth and fifth floors were clean and they were now heading towards service elevator to get the cart. Lindsey pushed the cart down the hallway. "Whoopie we get to end with room 505."


They opened the door. To their disgust, the room was disaster. Empty soda cans and damp towels were on the floor. The beds were unmade and the blankets were all over the place. A cereal bowl with reminence of Fruit Loops and milk was on the on top of a used tisse pile on a end table.

"Eww it's even worse in the bathroom." stated Katelynn. "There is still urine in this toilet!"

"Ohmigod! This has got to be the most disgusting room I have ever seen in my life! Who would make this kind of a mess?"

"Umm a male." said Katelynn holding a pair of boxers in the air. Just then they heard some voices in the hall. Then the door opened and five guys looked at Lindsey and Katelynn.

"These are mine." said a blushing blonde as he took the boxers away from Katelynn.

"I'm sorry we were just leaving?" said Lindsey staring at the hottie with a goatee.

"Believe me sweetie you have nothing to be sorry about...we should be sorry. Damnit Brian can't you pick up your messes. Wow I am so rude, hi I'm AJ." He took Lindsey's hand and kissed it.

"Yeah I know who you are. It's not eveyday that you are in the Backstreet Boys hotel room."

A cell phone went off. "Oh it's mine, I'll take it in the other room." said Howie headeding toward the smaller bedroom.

"Dayum you guys are messy."

"Im sorry...what's your name?"

"It's Katelynn."

"And what's your beautiful friend's name?" asked AJ look at Lindsey.

"My name is Lindsey and thank you. You aren't so bad yourself."

"Oh my lord it's three thirty-four! I'm four minutes late! I have to call Leighanne! She is probably worried sick. I have to call her. Oh my god!" He runs into the bedroom and calls his overseer girlfriend.

"That boy is so whipped its sad! I think it is the most pathetic thing in the whole world when a man is whipped by his girl!"

"I'm with you on that Lindsey!" agreed Katelynn.

"Again we are so sorry about this room. We didn't think we would be this long."

"AJ, relax, it's our job."

"I'm sorry but two fine ladies should not be cleaning up our towels and trash."

"You're so sweet. Your girlfriends must really appricate the men in their lives."

"Thanks Lindsey, I think that we are both lucky." said Kevin smiling.

"I bet your boyfriends are the happiest men alive." said Nick smiling at Katelynn."

"Well we are single. Yeah. Lindsey's loser ex-boyfriend Griffin cheated on her with the town pony Natalie. I wanted to kill him for hurting my Lindsey."

"Just like how I wanted to rough up Dylan for doing the same thing to you with freshman."

"How could a man cheat on either of you? Now that is wrong!" declared Nick.

"That's what I'm saying." said AJ.

"Wow we gotta go. Not like this isnt fun but its time to punch out."

"Well can I get a hug before you leave?" asked AJ coyly to Lindsey.

"Yes you can." She hugged him real tight. He smelled so good it was driving her crazy.

"What about me Katelynn?"

"I wouldn't dream of forgeting you Nick." She smiled and hugged him.

"We have a concert tomorrow so maybe we can hang out before it." said Kevin.

"Can you?!" asked AJ.

"Yeah, can you?!" replyed Nick.

"Sure." Katelynn and Lindsey agreed in unison.

"Here's my cell number, please call." said AJ.

"Ok guys we'll see you tomorrow. Bye."

The girls left and almost died in the hallway. They talked about how amazing it was to be in their favorite boyband's hotel room.

"Oh my god! She had the doppest ass I have ever seen! Hurt me!" yelled AJ falling backwards onto the couch. "Lindsey is the finest girl I've ever seen. And I've seen some beautiful woman in my time, but damn she is just too fine."

"And single." Nick added. "I think Katelynn is just amazing. She has some killer eyes that just lock with mine. I was like drooling on her shirt."

"Do you think she'll call me?"

"I hope so AJ cause I wanna see Katelynn again. I just met her and I miss her already.

Just then AJ's cellie rang. "Lindsey?!...oh hi Lindsey is just this extremly beautiful woman I met today....I know I say that all the time...but this time I mean it ...I know I say that too but I am hardcore serious about this...I know I don't want to get hurt but mom you should see this girl...ok mom well I have to go...i love you bye."

(At the same time)
"Holy shit! Nick I met Nick! I Katelynn Rene Grindle met Nickolas Gene Carter! Ahhhh!"

"I'm still freaking out! Aj is even more sexier in person!"

"Ohmigod! Nick smelled so good! He smelled like Nautica, my fave scent ever! So are you going to call AJ?"

Chapter 2: