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© I Promise You: BSB FANfiction & other stories

Chapter 6: Worth It

"Good morning baby." Janelle kissed the half awake Howie. She handed him his coffee. They kissed again.

"I love it when you spend the night. You make my day start off just right. I love waking up and having you be there right next to me." She put her head on his bare chest. Howie took a sip of his coffee and placed it back down on nightstand.

Janelle got up. "I'm going to take a shower." She looked at her sexy boyfriend. She crawled towards him. She nibbled on his ear and whispered. His eyes widened and he scooped her up and walked into the bathroom.

At The Same Time
Dodging a shoe Nick jumped out the way while attempting to put on his pants. "Get out!" screamed Willa. "Get the fuck out!" She threw her handbag and hit him in the chest.

"Oof!" said Nick after being pelted. He grabbed his shirt and Adidas and ran out the door. Nick couldn't have waited to get on that elevator quick enough. The doors opened and he must have pressed L and Door Close a million times before the doors shut. Last night was really good but he did think about Kelley the whole time. Nick put on his shirt and tie his left sneaker before the doors opened to the main lobby. He went to the parking lot and spotted Howie's Porche on the way to his Lexus. "Odd." he said as he started up his own car. Nick sped out of the garage and back to the Reunion Arena. He turned on the radio. So far his day was shitty and it's only 9am. He moved the knob right. Suddenly "I Wanna Be Bad" came on and he growled while changing the station. The last thing he needed to hear was Willa's top song. He stopped when he heard "Missing You Like Crazy" end.

"And that was 'Missing You Like Crazy' by 407. Those girls are gonna be the hottest thing since Madonna." Nick shoved a mixed tape in the deck to end this air wave girlfriend cruelty.

At The Same Time
Water beaded off their backs as they kissed. The shower was hot and steamy. Howie lathered up his girlfriend and kissed her neck while washing her front down. He moved behind her and cleansed her back as the soap rinsed of his own body. The water stopped and Janelle and Howie stepped out of the shower onto the bathmat. He placed her on the sink and kissed her. Her soaked blonde hair was now up in a towel. Her body covered by a hotel robe. Howie felt up her soft smooth legs and handed Janelle her panties. Howie put on his silk Tommy boxers and went into the bedroom for some clothes. Janelle left the bathroom and walked up behind Howie. She put her arms around his waist. "Thank you for waiting." she said.

Howie turned around and gazed into her blue eyes. "You are worth waiting for." He hugged her gently and kissed the top of her head.

On The Dream Bus
Ash and Melissa were curled up on the sofa together still sleeping while the other girls were in the kichen gossiping.

"Spill." ordered Jamie who was on the counter swinging her legs. "You promised."

"Okay, okay! Alright." Everyone moved in close to hear about her date with AJ.

Two Nights Before
"Wow." said AJ picking up his date. "You look amazing."

"I did it just for you." she said as she buckled her seatbelt.

"I know how much you love Italian so I made reservations as La Cantina."

With the traffic it only took about thirty minutes to meet their destination. AJ got out first and opened her door like a true gentleman. He held out his arm and she held on to his flexed muscle and smiled. The hostess smiled as Monique and AJ walked to her.

"Name please."

"James." Replied AJ.

"Right this way." She led them upstairs to a private room. She pushed the double doors open to reveal a small white table with candles. A man stood by the table holding two menus as Monique and AJ sat down.

"We will have a bottle of your best champagne." said AJ who still has not removed his sun glasses.

"Of course sir. Will there be anything else."

"A rose for the lady."

"Yes sir, right away." The man left to fetch the couple's needs.

"Oh my god AJ! This is so beautiful."

"I wanted this night to be perfect." Her eyes sparkled with the candle light. "Would you dance with me?" He asked holding out his hand to her.

"But there isn't any music."

"We don't need music to dance."

"Then of course I will dance with you AJ."

He took her hand and led her over by the window. He began singing 'All I Have To Give'. The two danced slow and close. His arms around her waist while her arms were aroud his neck. "And my love is all I have to give, without you I don't think I could live, I wish I could give the world to you." he sang softly to her. "Oh AJ I'm about to cry." she looked up at him. "This is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me before."

"That's hard to believe."

"It's true. No one has ever made a date so special."

"You are worth it." He said spinning her around and pulling her back. "Ever since this tour has started, you were the only person that I wanted to be with. No one has ever made me feel like this." They danced closer. "Not even all my years with Amanda. Being around you has been so amazing. I don't want you to leave." The stopped dancing.

"I'm not going anywhere." she said looking into his brown eyes. AJ leaned in and kissed her. Monique felt a rush as his lips met hers. Never had a single kissed made her feel like that. They stopped when the doors opened. They sat down and took sips of their champange. "This is wonderful. Ahh bubbles." She giggled a little.

After a wonderful meal Monique and AJ got back into his car and drove to the top of a hill. He opened her door and held her hand as the sat down under the tree. "I love this place. You can see the entire city from here."

"It's so beautiful." she said in amazment.

"Just like you." AJ squeezed her hand and she leaned in and kissed him this time. Again she felt a rush. They stopped kissing to enjoy the view once more. "Are you enjoying yourself?" He asked brushing a piece of hair out of her face.

"AJ, this is the most amazing date I have ever been on. I have never once in my entire life been so happy then I am right now in this moment. I have never felt as content or alive with anyone. Except when I'm with you."

AJ looked in her eyes, put his hand on her face and kissed her. The two of them made out underneath the stars. The gentle summer breeze bushed her legs where her skirt didn'nt cover. AJ placed his jacket on her legs and proceeded to kiss her again."

Present Time
"Then he brought me back to the bus. He kissed me goodnight and he said he would call me the next day. Which he did by the way." told Monique who sat up against the frig with Kelley and Holly.

"Aww!" The girls cried in unison.

"Wow." Jamie replied. "I have never once been a date that was that good. Where can I find a man like that."

"Maybe we can clone AJ." said Ashley who was brushing her hair in the bathroom. "You know, spred his great taste around. We need more AJ's in the world." She turned the light off and walked back into the kitchen.

"I'm gonna go check on Ash and Melissa." said Holly standing up and streching her arms above her head. She stepped over Kelley's legs and walked into the entertainment room. Melissa was in Ashley's arms talking. "Good morning you two." said the red head.

"Sup Holly." said Ash who was rubbing Melissa's stomach.

"Well we are all chillen in here if you wanna come out." She looked at the happy couple. "Or you can stay in here and get it on." Holly smiled and walked back into the kitchen.

"Mmm sounds good to me." said Melissa.

"Oh really!" said Ash coming towards her lips to kiss her. She kissed him and fixed her shirt which had ridden up in her sleep.

"Oh I could stare into those blue eyes and kiss those soft lips all day Mr. Angel!" She sat on his lap facing him.

"Now why would you want to do that." he said in a cute voice?

"Because I like you and I want to be with you."

"Well I like you too." He paused. "And that's why I wanted to know if you, my sexy Melissa, would be interested in being my girlfriend."

"I don't think I would have it any other way." said Melissa. "I would love to be your girlfriend."

"Good I wouldn't know what I would do with this if you said no." He pulled a box out if his pocket. It was a silver promise ring. He placed it on her finger. "I hope you like it." He kissed her hand. "You are worth it." He smiled at his girlfriend and kissed her again.

At The Same Time
Kelley stood outside the Dream bus thinking about Nick. She knew what he had said but somehow she knew that he didn't feel that way. She needed to call him. She picked up her cell and dialed his number. "Ring, ring, ring I'm not here and you know what to do. Beep". She didn't leave a message. She put her phone in her pocket. She walked back to her bus. She was about to get on when she looked up to see Nick parking his car. She couldn't move or say anything. Nick got out of his car and walked towards his bus. He looked up to see Kelley. He stopped. He wasn't sure if he wanted to kiss her or yell at her. "Kelley." he said.

"Nick." she said standing there. She couldn't take it any longer. Nick was worth every emotion that she was feeling.

"Kelley, we need to..."

"Nick, I love you." she shouted and jumped in his arms. "I love you."

[ Chapter 7 ]