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© I Promise You: BSB FANfiction & other stories

Chapter 3: I'm Not!

"They can't see you like I do, all I know is that I love you." sang the girls. "Thank you goodnight Dallas. We love you." Allison and the rest of 407 bowed and ran off the stage. "Water! I need some water."

"Don't we all." exclaimed Kelley reaching for a cup of refreshing H20. She looked up to see Nick walking towards her.

"Great show ladies." He walked over and stood next to Kelley. "Even better then our show." They both laughed.

"I doubt that Carter. I saw you out there. You were looking pretty good." She smiled and headed towards her dressing room. Nick followed. "So what are your plans tonight?" she asked unlocking the door.

"Nothing really. Howie is excitied about his date tonight. Oh did I tell you , AJ is gonna ask Monique if she would go out with him tomorrow night." He sat down on the plush sofa. Kelley walked toward the bathroom.

"She will be so happy." The sound of running water crept into the other room. Kelley took off her outfit and put it on the sink and hopped into the shower. "Before I let my cousin go on a date with him I have to know some stuff."

"Like what exactly." Nick was still surprized that she was showering while he was present but he had to get his mind off of her and back to Willa.

"Does AJ like Monique? Or does he just want her for sex." She rinsed her body clean from the Country Apple bodywash.

"Kelley, AJ is on of my best friends. He tells me everything and vice versa. He likes her a lot. And not for sex like you are thinking!" Well AJ is a very sexual person but is not just into that alone.

"Ok, but if he hurts her, so help me god! That boy will be one testicle short!"

"Ouch!" exclaimed Nick. He was happy for AJ. He knew that Monique was into AJ and the feelings are mutual. He also knew that they could act on their feelings, unlike he could not due to his relationship with Willa. He was glad that she way away. It was giving him time to sort out his feelings.

"Shit." Kelley stuck her head out of the shower. "Nick, I left my shampoo out on the coffee table. Can you please bring it to me?" Nick looked at the bottle. He slowly got up and picked it up. He opened the bathroom door and saw Kelley's wet head sticking out of the shower curtian. He handed her the bottle. "Thanks." she said taking the bottle and putting her head back under the water. The mirrors were all fogged up. Nick wrote a 'hi' with his finger.

"Kelley, I have to go and change out of my scrubby atire. I'll stop bye later on to hang out with you guys. Don't tell Monique about the AJ thing ok."

"I won't." called the voice inside the shower. Nick turned to the door and left.

2 hours later
"What the hell am I going to wear?" Janelle sifted through her clothes. "Ahhhhh this is making me insane." She walked into the kitchen where Kelley and Jamie were chatting. "Hey Kel, can I borrow your leather pants?"

Kelley looked up. "No. They arent mine, they are Monique's."

"You can borrow mine." said Jamie. "They might be a little tight."

"Yeah, because you are a size one and I am a size five. Bitch!"

"Fine, you can borrow my black Playboy shirt." Jamie laughed. "Monique will be back in a second. She had to get next week's schedule."

A few minutes later Monique came back onto the bus. She saw Kelley, Janelle and Jamie looking up at her. "Oh my god you guys. Guess who I saw making out, outside next to their bus?"

"Ohmigod who!" cried Allison running into the kitchen.

"Yeah, who! Please not Howie with another girl! I will cry!"

"Melissa from Dream..."

"Someone from BBmak? Ste?"

"Christ, Janelle let the girl speak!"

"Thanks James. Melissa and Ashley from O-Town were making out in front of the Dream bus. I mean like hardcore making out. I was like 'damn'!"

"Ashley! He is so fine!" cried Jamie!

45 minutes later
The five of them talked about the hotties on tour with them and were interupted by a knock on the bus door. Monique, who was closest, opened it. "Sup Howie?" she smiled. "As you can see your date is ready." Janelle and Howie hugged. He kissed her on the cheek and handed her roses.

"Put these in water will ya." Allison put the flowers in an empty vase on the counter. "Don't wait up." she winked and left.

"Don't ruin my leather pants Nel!" hollered Monique."

The Next Day
"You're going down Graham." said Nick. He ran around the bus. "C'mon, you're not playing fair." Nick whined.

"Take that!" Kelley squirted Nick in the chest. She laughed. "I'm I still not playing fair." she teased. She squirted him again, this time in the back as he tried to run away.

"Ok no more Mr. Nice Guy." Nick chased Kelley as she screamed and tried shooting him and got his arm. He soaked her with both guns. Kelley ran to the left while Nick ran to the other side. "Come out Kelley, you cannot hide forever."

Kelley tiptoed behind him. She aimed and got him in the back of the head. "Ok I came out." she laughed and while they both fought back. "Ahh Nick it's cold."

"Well it's water!" He shot her again. She began to run. "No way. You cannot get away from me this time!" Kelley ran onto the 407 bus. "That won't stop me." Nick ran onto the bus too.

"You guys! Not in here." cried Janelle who had to stop making out with Howie to complain. "Sorry babe, they are always like this."

"Shut up and kiss me." he smiled and they went back to making out.

Nick cornered Kelley in the entertainment room. "No where to go." He got her twice and she hit him three times. She ran back wards and fell onto the bean bag chair and laughed.

Nick put his gun on the floor and helped her up. "Thanks." Nick and Kelley's faces were inches apart. They both looked at each other. Nick couldn't take it anymore. He leaned in and kissed her. Her lips were so soft. He realized that he had to pull away regardless of his feelings. He pulled back quickly.

"I'm sorry." He took a step back.

She walked to him, looked him in the eyes and put her hands om his face and kissed him back. Not very wet but just enough tounge. She pulled back and and said "I'm not." She turned and walked out of the entertainment room leaving a stunned Nick alone.


[ Chapter 4 ]