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Using Windows 95, is like using Windows 3.1 but icon images are used. It has a hardware installer.

Windows 98, has an MS internet browser, internet links, and can play more multimedia games. It has hard drive compression, FAT 32 availability to hold more on hard drive.

Windows 2000, has more business applications, and is supposed to be fast, and has less bugs in the program; than Windows 98, and more updates installed.

Windows XP, is designed for newer computers, because it has new features to help you work smarter, and connect on the internet faster.

Many of the newer computers can use 40 GB, and 60 GB Hard drives.

Faster modems are good for bigger downloads, and require shorter download time.

  Windows, to use for OS. (OS minimums) 

Win 95      16 Meg RAM      P-100 CPU     1 Gig HD    
Win 98      32 Meg RAM      P-100 CPU     1 Gig HD
Win 2000    64 Meg RAM      P-200 CPU     2 Gig HD
Win XP      128 Meg RAM     P-250 CPU     2 Gig HD
Win Vista   1 GB RAM        1 GHz CPU     40 GB HD 
Win 7       1 GB RAM        1 GHz CPU     20 GB HD
Win 8 (32)  1 GB RAM        1 GHz CPU     16 GB HD 
Win 8 (64)  2 GB RAM        1 GHz CPU     20 GB HD
Win 10(32)  1 GB RAM        1 GHz CPU     16 GB HD
Win 10(64)  2 GB RAM        1 GHz CPU     20 GB HD
Win 11      4 GB RAM        2 CPU cores   64 GB HD 

Faster computers, with more hard drive; can run DVD, internet TV, tape backup, CD disk burners, and more.

Windows 95 can only handle 64 mb of RAM. Windows 98/Me is able to use 2 gb of RAM.

Things to add to your computer.

Texture By Escati

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