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Welcome to Kayleigh's Universe!

My Resume

Career Trouble?
Let us help.

Musings and Mythology
Fiction and other writing-like things.

Various and Sundry People blessed by and loosely affiliated with Kayleigh.

Words tumbling from the brain of the Goddess herself. Coherency not guaranteed.

Stained Glass
As opposed to some deities, the sight of Kayleigh does not inspire fear. Nor does the sight of any of her clergy members. See?

Life And Times
Background and trivia. Beware the lava lamps of doom.

Blessed Sites
The web is a wonderful place for the worship of random...

Useful Sites
...and these links I actually use.

The Holy Tuber
The most blessed of foods. For no reason whatsoever.

Kendra's Tale
Blast from the past. Courtesy of Scottles.


Kayleigh, the goddess of Wainscoting and Random Things, greets you in the name of all that is good and right and pinky-russett.

Good morning, and welcome to the heart of the venus flytrap. My name is Bill, and I'll be your tour guide today.

Here we will explore the strange and excitingly odd, interspersed with the truly boring to add a bit of spice. To your right, please note the nothingness that exists there. It is fun to explore, and doesn't take very long. Pefect for growing families with children who lack any sort of attention span.

To your left, please stop and adore the expanse of choices available to the discerning consumer. Something for, sir! You in the baseball cap.
Yes, you.
I wish you to note the complete lack of anything for you. Go home.

Sorry, I was saying. There is something for everyone but him here in the realm of Kayleigh.

So, kick off your shoes. Take off your socks. Tickle your neighbor. Make yourself at home, for everyone has a secret home in the land of random. Trust me.

If you are interested in refreshment, may I point you to the potato bar. Potato salad, french fries, potato pancakes, sweet potato pie, vodka, and...that woman's hat. Highly refreshing, I'm sure you'll agree.

Oh, come now,'s not even an attractive hat.

A word of warning. Before you depart our humble land, please check in at the temple and have a word with the goddess. Any word you choose...she's not terribly picky. But she will curse you with a boring commute if you don't say anything. She can be a bit of a bitch that way.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.

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This page was updated on May 24, 2001 by Kendra Lowder who can be reached via email to