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Welcome to the home of VMF-114 the best Marine fighter squadron on the zone.

All of VMF-114 pilots fly cfs2 stock at 100% realism settings the use of mods is forbiden.

All officers of VMF-114 are required to lead and to set the example .Honesty and integrity are not just words but a way of life for the Death Dealers.

VMF-114 squadron personel will conduct themselves in a manner that will always bring honor to our corps and country.All personel will render the proper courtsey to all other pilots on the zone. As Marines we are a "Band of Brothers"on and off the zone.

Teamwork is the backbone of the Death Dealers an no one person is more important than VMF-114 as a whole! VMF-114 personel will conduct themselves as Marine Officers at all times....FAILURE IS NOT A OPTION!!!!

As stated above The Death Dealers primary mission is to establish an maintain relations with other groups that hold honor, integrity in high esteem as does VMF-114 and its allies.

If you are intrested in becoming a Death Dealer WELCOME ABOARD if not dont waste your time here,and above all dont waste ours!!!