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I lost a friend, who was a firefighter. He was hired the same day as me in the electric utility business. After 5 or 6 years of working together, he became a firefighter. His name was Thomas Sabella.  He has not been found as far as I know. Only 1/3 of 343 firefighters have been found. They are the ones who saved about 25,000 lives that day. I know he died a hero Roy Halvorsen

Roy Halvorsen spent two weeks working on restoring electrical service to the WTC
disaster area including the stock market on Wall Street.  These are some of the photos he took and has allowed me to post on this site.
(Click on the thumbnails to view
larger photos)

WTC -click to view larger photo

WTC -click to view larger photo

WTC -click to view larger photo

WTC -click to view larger photo

WTC -click to view larger photo

WTC -click to view larger photo

WTC -click to view larger photo

WTC -click to view larger photo

WTC -click to view larger photo

WTC -click to view larger photo

WTC -click to view larger photo

Tour Bus

WTC -click to view larger photo

WTC -click to view larger photo - How does the hot dog wagon survive, with the glass and propane tank still intact and shining? I took that picture because I thought it was ironic something like that would survive!

WTC -click to view larger photo

WTC -click to view larger photo

WTC -click to view larger photo

WTC -click to view larger photo

WTC -click to view larger photo - taken from a beach near Monmouth County, New Jersey

WTC -click to view larger photo - taken from a beach near Monmouth County, New Jersey

While I was there, I saw the destroyed tour bus, fire engines, ladder trucks, ambulances, police cars, Fed-Ex, UPS, telephone co., and Con Edison Emergency trucks. NOT ONE TAXI. Think about it!